
Further reading

A partial list of sources used in creating this physical and digital exhibit follows:

Brown, Carolyn. Chance and Circumstance : Twenty Years with Cage and Cunningham. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.

Cage Cunningham. Directed by Elliot Caplan. West Long Branch, N.J.: Kultur, 2007. DVD.

Cunningham, Merce. “Story: tale of a dance and a tour.” Dance Ink 6, nos. 1-3 (1995).

Cunningham, Merce, and Jacqueline Lesschaeve. The Dancer and the Dance. New York: M. Boyars, 1985.

Cunningham, Merce, and Frances Starr. Changes: Notes on Choreography. New York: Something Else Press, 1969.

John Cage Correspondence, Northwestern University Music Library.

John Cage Ephemera, Northwestern University Music Library (in process).

John Cage Scrapbooks, Northwestern University Music Library. Digitized at (requires on-campus sign-in).

Klosty, James. Merce Cunningham. New York: Saturday Review Press, 1975.

Meade, Fionn, Joan Rothfuss, and Bruce Altshuler. Merce Cunningham: co:mm:on ti:me. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2017.

Merce Cunningham Trust.

Merce Cunningham Trust. “MERCE CUNNINGHAM: MONDAYS WITH MERCE #15: JOHN CAGE.” YouTube video, 18:21. October 14, 2013.

Vaughan, David, and Melissa Harris. Merce Cunningham : Fifty Years. New York: Aperture, 1997.

Walker Art Center. “Chance Conversations: An Interview with Merce Cunningham and John Cage.” YouTube video, 32:05. July 27, 2009.