The Biot-Bažant Conference

on Engineering Mechanics and Physics of Porous Materials

A One-time Fusion of Concreep and the Biot Conference on Poromechanics

Deadline: April 19th, 2021 Extended to May 1, 2021

NOTE: The deadline will not be extended any further and contributions will be removed from the program if the recording is not received by the extended deadline.

See instructions for file submission details. See further information on using published media. Details on licensing and embargo are here.

Video Proceedings

All talks for the Biot-Bažant Conference will be recorded and live Q&A following the talk will be transcribed. Following the conference, we will publish the talks in the form of video proceedings. Your contribution will be archived in an open source Figshare repository with a DOI number and will have three attributes: an abstract, a presentation recording (with optional audio captioning) and a Q&A transcription (which the author will have the oppportunity to review and expand prior to submission). Because Figshare uses metadata, your talk will be searchable with Google Scholar and other search engines, and therefore, you will be able to follow your talk citations. You will also be able to download your video in a portable format for re-use. We will adopt a Creative Commons license, which means that authors keep the copyright of their original work, but that authors agree to share their work openly and without anyone having to come back later for permission. See additional instructions here.

More information on Creative Commons:

More information on Figshare:


Selected Journal Publications

Selected contributions will be invited for publication in the form of a journal article in Open Geomechanics, a non-profit, open-access journal on geomechanics research. Manuscripts will be peer reviewed according to the journal’s standards. The editors of Open Geomechanics include Ryan Hurley (Johns Hopkins) and Edward Andò (Université Grenoble Alpes), among others.

More information about Open Geomechanics: