The Biot-Bažant Conference

on Engineering Mechanics and Physics of Porous Materials

A One-time Fusion of Concreep and the Biot Conference on Poromechanics

Parallel Sessions (PM1) Day 1  2 Hours

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (CDT), UTC -5

Various talks held in parallel.

Session 1.2 Special Session Celebrating 70th Birthday of Prof. Rudnicki, Part 2

Chair Steve WaiChing Sun

299 Relation between blood pressure and pulse wave velocity for human arteries – Yonggang Huang, Northwestern University

313 Are configurational forces real forces – Roberto Ballarini, University of Houston

425 Simulation of compaction localization in porous rock at laboratory and field scale –  Giuseppe Buscarnera, Northwestern University

314 Special session honoring the 70th birthday of John Rudnicki: Micro-CT-based porosity analysis of biomass particles – Qiushi Chen, Clemson University

295 Special session honoring the 70th birthday of John Rudnicki: Plasticity theories as evolving level sets – WaiChing Sun, Columbia University

426 Microscale modeling of the mechanical behavior of black shale – Gianluca Cusatis, Northwestern University

Session 2.2 Creep Experiments and Modeling

Chair Matthieu Vandamme

198 Microprism compression investigation of short-term creep behavior of cement paste at the microscale – Yidong Gan, Delft University of Technology

187 Negative unjacketed pore modulus in limestones: Modeling experimental observations – Wenhui Tan, Hohai University

343 Influence of chemical bonds on the viscoelastic properties of alkali-activated slag and fly ash pastes – Albina Kostiuchenko, Delft University of Technology

263 Comparative study of properties of accelerated aged concrete and normally aged concrete  – Sannidhya Ghosh, University of Colorado Boulder

173 Creep and shrinkage behavior of disintegrated and non-disintegrated cement mortar – Rihards Gailitis, Riga Technical University

244 Contact creep of carbon nanoreinforced cementitious composite – Raul Marrero Rosa, Northwestern University

Session 3.2 Hydraulic Fracturing and Fracture Propagation

Chair Jia-Liang Le

169 Estimation of fracture surface energy from hydraulic fracture tests on mortar and rocks at geothermal reservoir temperatures – Omar Rdz-Villarreal, L’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour

171 Role of fluid diffusivity on the hydraulic fracturing of granite and gypsum – Catarina Baptista-Pereira, New Jersey Institute of Technology

193 Experimental and numerical study of the time dependent behavior of fracture propagation in salt rock – Andreu Escanellas, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

280 A novel numerical simulation of hydraulic fracturing with special reference to leak-off flow – Ahmad Jafari, Univerity of New South Wales

335 A novel coupled mechanical, fluid-thermal approach to modelling of hydraulic fracturing in rocks – Marek Krzaczek, Gdansk University of Technology

319 Computational modeling of instrumented indentation testing with application to creep in shale – Yingxiao Liu, Stanford University

Session 5.2 Nano to Multi-Scale Modeling

Chair Mohammad Javad Qomi

411 Capillary effects in granular materials: a multi-scale modeling strategy – Marie Miot, INRAE – RECOVER

289 A multiscale theory explaining the initial shrinkage of microporous materials upon adsorption – Yida Zhang, University of Colorado Boulder

237 Upscaling transport properties in porous materials from pore size distributions – Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, L’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour

338 Water freezing in graphitic slit-pore – Martin Prez-Rodrguez, L’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour

398 Single sided NMR to characterize the interaction of yield stress liquids with porous media – Dennis Woertge, Technical University Ilmenau

291 Estimation of constituent properties of heterogeneous materials with an artificial neural network based method – Jing Xue, University of Lille

Session 6.2 Experimental Methods

Session 7.2 Soil Mechanics and Pore Fluid Flow

Chair James Hambleton

172 Numerical implementation of Biot’s equations on graphical processing units – Yury Alkhimenkov, University of Lausanne

185 Oscillatory flow in elastic tubes: experiments and implications for pore-scale modeling – Patrick Kurzeja, Institute of Mechanics, TU Dortmund

251 Poroelastic fracture properties inferred from seismic attenuation – Simn Lissa, University of Lausanne

265 Influence of pore fluid on shear wave transmissivity across discontinuities – Josue Gonzalez, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada

340 Occurrence of upward-directed pore pressure gradients in a sandy beach during a storm event – Matthew Florence, Virginia Tech

192 Porosity gradients alter the permeability tensor – Mahyar Madadi, The University of Melbourne