Northwestern University
Evanston Campus
June 1-3, 2021
The Biot-Bažant Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Physics of Porous Materials and Structures will take place on June 1-3, 2021. This one-time fusion of the CONCREEP conference and the Biot Conference on Poromechanics will offer unforgettable scientific and social interaction among researchers in the field of the mechanics of concrete, geomaterials and porous solids.
To accommodate the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, participants can either join us in person at the Northwestern University campus—on the lake Michigan, just north of Chicago, IL—or remotely via video-conferencing software.
After the conference, all talks will be archived in an open-source Figshare repository with a DOI number. Creative Commons licenses will allow speakers to share their work publicly with the world while still retaining copyright.
This hybrid conference represents the convergence of two long-standing gatherings in the field of mechanics.
First held in 1956, the CONCREEP conference is a key meeting on the time-dependent behavior of concrete. The Biot Conferences, named in honor of Maurice A. Biot, began in 1998 and have since become the main international conference for experts in the mechanics of porous solids. In addition to Biot, our conference honors Zdeněk P. Bažant, McCormick School Professor and Walter P. Murphy Professor at Northwestern University and a pioneer in engineering mechanics and physics of concrete materials and structures.
The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally disrupted all aspects of life. We believe the response of our scientific community should be equally disruptive: join us as we advance a new model for academic symposia while promoting exceptional research and discussion in the field of poromechanics and concrete long-term behavior.
Key Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline:
31 December 2020
Notification of Abstract Acceptance:
31 January 2021
Early Bird Registration Deadline:
1 April 2021
Regular Registration Deadline:
30 May 2021
1 June through 3 June 2021
Chloé Arson (Georgia Tech)
Gianluca Cusatis (Northwestern University)
Franz-Josef Ulm (MIT)
Secretariat :
Tierney Acott
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Northwestern University
Technological Building Room A236
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
+1 (847) 467-2673