Future Directions

11. Future Directions

In 2021, Dr. Michael J. Kramer, a professor of history at SUNY Brockport, received a National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Projects for the Public Grant to continue to research the Berkeley Folk Music Festival. His multimodal project carries forward investigations into the Festival’s many stories. These include multimedia essays, an audio podcast, lesson plans for teachers, and collaborations with local San Francisco Bay Area cultural organizations to connect the Berkeley Folk Music Festival’s history to contemporary cultural heritage efforts in the region. He will also continue to work with Northwestern University Libraries to improve the digital repository.

Other research and curatorial projects led by Dr. Kramer are underway as well: an oral history interview project; an Instagram account to showcase the many wonderful images from the Berkeley Archive on social media; a traveling gallery exhibition; a virtual reality project, Revising Humbead’s Revised Map of the World, that will allow users to explore a famous map of the late 1960s folk revival interactively in both an in-person museum exhibition and through an online experience; a print catalogue; an audio box set of audio from the Berkeley Festival; and concerts, talks, hootenannies, courses, and other events.

For more about Kramer’s Berkeley Folk Music Festival Project, visit BFMF.net.