- Leadership in earth science education and program development
- Problem-based learning (PBL) and education beyond the classroom
- Open-source instrument hardware and software development for underwater and remote research
- Karst, and caves – hydrogeology, geomorphology, geochemistry, and sedimentology
- Paleoenvironmental records of sea level, climate change, and landscape evolution from sediments, speleothems, and fluid inclusions in speleothems
- Applied research includes water resources, contaminant transport, and geo-archaeology
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Geography & Earth Sciences, McMaster University, Canada Graduate Research Fellow, Canadian Foundation for Climate & Atmospheric Science (CFCAS) Project: Holocene Paleotemperature Records from Stable Isotopic Analysis of Speleothems and their Fluid Inclusions. Funded by the Canadian Foundation for Climate & Atmospheric Science (CFCAS). |
2004-2008 |
Ph.D., School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, UK Groundwater Hydrology of a Coastal Conduit Carbonate Aquifer: Caribbean Coast of the Yucatán Peninsula, México. 303 p. |
1994-2004 |
M.Sc., Geography & Geology, McMaster University, Canada Conduit Hydrogeology of a Tropical Coastal Carbonate Aquifer: Caribbean Coast of the Yucatán Peninsula, México. 96 p. |
1996-1999 |
B.A. Geography & Geology, McMaster University, Canada | 1991-1995 |
2019 – pres.__Director, Environmental Sciences Program. Northwestern University, USA
2008 – pres.__Assistant Chair, Earth & Planetary Sciences
2019 – pres.__Associate Professor of Instruction, Earth & Planetary Sciences.
2014 – 2019__Assistant Professor of Instruction, Earth & Planetary Sciences.
2008 – 2014__Lecturer, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University, USA
2007 – 2008__Lecturer, Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, Canada
2004 – 2008__Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Geography & Earth Sciences, McMaster University, Canada
2023 | NU Phi Beta Kappa Award for Advocacy and Mentorship – Inaugural awardee For “inventive, indefatigable boosterism” |
2021 | Women Divers Hall of Fame International professional honor society for outstanding contributions to the exploration, understanding, safety and enjoyment of our underwater world and support the underwater world. |
2018 | ASG – Associated Student Government – Faculty Honor Roll Recognition for work with EARTH 360: Field Methods and Instrumentation |
2017 | SAF Field Discovery Awards. Research team member. Proyecto Arqueológico Subacuático Hoyo Negro, Tulum, Quintana Roo (Underwater Archaeological Project Hoyo Negro, Tulum). Archaeological excavations or surveys that have yielded major discoveries significantly furthering or even altering our knowledge of the human past, locally and/or globally. |
2015 | WCAS Weinberg College Arts and Sciences Alumni Teaching Award | |
2015 | Hackaday Prize Quarter-finalist: Build Something that Matters Joint with Edward Mallon. International technology development challenge. Placed for open-source long-lived data-logger hardware+software. The Cave Pearl Project. |
2002 | British Geomorphological Research Group, Student Opportunity Grant | |
2000-02 | University of Bristol Geographical Contingency Fund (2 Awards) | |
2000-02 | Alumni Foundation (2 Awards) | |
1999-02 | Overseas Research Student Award (3 years), from “Universities UK” | |
1999-02 | University Research Scholarship (3 years), University of Bristol | |
1999-02 | Special Opportunity Grant, Federal Government of Canada. 3 awards | |
2001 | Royal Society UK, Dudley Stamp Memorial Trust Award | |
2000 | Ghar Parau Award, Science Research Fund, British Research Association, | |
1996-98 | Graduate Student Scholarship, McMaster University | |
1997 | Graduate Studies Travel Bursary, McMaster University |
PUBLICATIONS – Peer Reviewed and Edited Works
WOS Indexed publications = 22
Citation Report H-Index = 13
(Google Scholar H Index = 19)
Average citations per item = 40
* Student contributions.
38. Beddows, P.A., Metcalfe, C., Merediz Alonso, G., López Tamayo, A., Lases-Hernandez, F.M. (In Review – Jan 2024) Tracking wastewater contamination in the “Maya Riviera” Region of the Yucatán Peninsula, México. Environmental Pollution.
37. *Monroy-Ríos, E., Beddows, P.A. (In Review – Jan 2024) Hydrogeothermal convective circulation model for the formation of the Chicxulub Ring of Cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
36. Osburn, M.R., Selensky, M.J., Beddows, P.A., Jacobson, A., DeFranco, K., and G. Merediz-Alonso (2023) Microbial biogeography of the eastern Yucatán carbonate aquifer. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 89(11): e01682-23
35. Bernal, J.P., Revolorio, F., Cu-Xi, M., Lases-Hernández, F., Piacsek, P., Lachniet, M. Beddows, P.A., Lucia, G., López-Aguiar, K., Capella-Vizcaíno, S., López-Martínez, R. and O. Vásquez (2023) Variability of trace-elements and δ18O in drip water from Gruta Rey Marcos, Guatemala: Seasonal and environmental effects and its implications for paleoclimate reconstructions. Frontiers in Earth Sciences. 11:1112957. feart.2023.1112957
34. Glover, J.B, Rissolo, D., Beddows, P.A., Jaijel, R., Smith, D., Goodman-Tchernov, B. (2022) The Proyecto Costa Escondida: Historical ecology and the study of past coastal landscapes in the Maya Area. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI10.1080/15564894.2022.2061652
33. Little, S.N., van Hengstum, P.J., Beddows, P.A., Donnelly, J.P., Winkler, T.S., Albury, N.A. (2021) Unique habitat for benthic foraminifera in subtidal blue holes on carbonate platforms. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution – Special Issue “Living on the Edge: Biodiversity, Adaptation, and Evolution in Extreme Groundwater Habitats”. 9: 794728. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.794728
32. Beddows, P.A., Mallon, E.K. (2018) Cave Pearl Data Logger – A flexible Arduino based logging platform for long-term monitoring in harsh environments. Sensors. 18, 530:1-26. DOI: 10.3390/s18020530.
31. *Johnson, D.B., Beddows, P.A., Flynn, T.M., Osburn, M.R. (2018) Microbial diversity and biomarker analysis of modern freshwater microbialites from Laguna Bacalar, Mexico. Geobiology, 16(3):319-337. DOI 10.1111/gbi.12283.
30. Jaijel, R., Glover, J.B., Rissolo, D., Beddows, P.A., Smith, D., Ben-Avraham, Z., Goodman-Tchernov, B. (2018) Coastal reconstruction of Vista Alegre, an ancient maritime Maya settlement. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 487:25-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.02.003
29. Jaijel, R., Kanari, M., Glover, J.B., Rissolo, D., Beddows, P.A., Ben-Avraham, Z., Goodman Tchernov, B.N. (2018) Shallow geophysical exploration at the ancient maritime Maya site Vista Alegre, Yucatan Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 19:52-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.02.018
28. Chatters, J.C., Rissolo, D., Arroyo Cabrales, J., Stafford, T.W., Kemp, B.M., Alvarez, A., Nava Blank, A., Beddows, P.A., Reinhardt, E., Kovacs, S., Collins, S., Morell Hart, S. Chavez Arce, R., Bird, S. and Luna Erreguerena, L. (2017) Hoyo Negro: Tapping the paleoanthropological and paleoecological potential of a deeply submerged underground chamber on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (Ch.6) in Campbell, P.B. (ed) The Archeology of Underwater Caves. Highfield Press, p. 119-129
27. Beddows, P.A., Glover, J., Rissolo, D., *Carter, A., Goodman, B., Jaijel, R., Smith D. (2016) Proyecto Costa Escondida: Recent interdisciplinary research in search of freshwater along the North Coast of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Water – Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. 3(5):749-761. DOI: 10.1002/ wat2.1161
26. Beddows, P.A., Mandic, M., Ford, D.C., Schwarcz, H.P. (2016) Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic variations between adjacent drips in three caves at increasing elevation in a temperate coastal rainforest, Vancouver Island, Canada. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 172:370-386. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.08.017
25. Chatters, J.D. Kennett, D.J., Asmerom, Y., Kemp, B.M., Polyak, V., Nava Blank, A., Beddows, P.A., Reinhardt, E., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Bolnick, D.A., Malhi, R.S., Culleton, B., Luna Erreguerena, P., Rissolo, D., Morell-Hart, S., Stafford, T.W. (2014) Late Pleistocene human skeleton and mtDNA from Mexico links Paleoamericans and modern Native Americans. Science. 344(6185):750-754. DOI: 10.1126/science.1252619
24. *Torres-Talamante, O., Alcocer, J., Beddows, P.A., Escobar-Briones, E., Lugo, A. (2011) The key role of the chemolimnion in meromictic cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Hydrobiologia. 677(1): 107-127. DOI:10.1007/s10750-011-0746-9
23. Metcalfe, C., Beddows, P.A., Gold Bouchot, G., Metcalfe, T., Li, H., Van Lavieren, H. (2011) Contaminants in the coastal karst aquifer systems along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Environmental Pollution. 159(4):991-997. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2010.11.031
22. Beddows, P.A. (2011) The hydrogeochemistry and geological context of the Pools of Cara Blanca, Belize, as a foundation for Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction; in Lucero, L. (ed) Valley of Peace Archeological Report 2010. 38 pp.
21. *van Hengstum, P.J., Reinhardt, E.G., Beddows, P.A., Gabriel, J. (2010) Linkages between Holocene paleoclimate and paleohydrogeology preserved in a Yucatan underwater cave. Quaternary Science Reviews 29(19-20): 2788-2798. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.06.034
20. *van Hengstum, P.J., Reinhardt, E.G., Beddows, P.A., Schwarcz, H.P., Gabriel, J.J. (2009) Foraminifera and testate amoebae (thecamoebians) in an anchialine cave: Surface distributions from Aktun Ha (Carwash) cave system, Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography. 54:391-396. DOI: 10.4319/lo.2009.54.1.0391
19. *Gabriel, J.J., Reinhardt, E.G., Peros, M.C., Davidson, D.E., van Hengstum, P.J., Beddows, P.A. (2009) Palaeoenvironmental evolution of Cenote Aktun Ha (Carwash) on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico and its response to Holocene sea level rise. Journal of Paleolimnology. 42(2):199-213. DOI:10.1007/ s10933-00809271-x
18. *van Hengstum, P.J., Reinhardt, E.G., Beddows, P.A., Huang, R.J., Gabriel, J.J. (2008) Thecamoebians (testate amoebae) and foraminifera from three anchialine cenotes in Mexico: Low salinity (1.5-4.5 psu) faunal transitions. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 38(4):305-317. DOI: 10.2113/ gsjfr.38.4.305
17. *Zhang, R., Schwarcz, H.P., Ford, D.C., Serefiddin-Schroeder, F., Beddows, P.A. (2008) Absolute palaeotemperature record from 10 to 6 ka inferred from fluid inclusion D/H ratios of a stalagmite from Vancouver Island. British Columbia. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta. 72(4): 1014-1026. DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2007.12.002
16. Ufnar, D., Gröcke, D.R., Beddows, P.A. (2008) Paleo-evaporation rates from positive linear covariant trends in pedogenic calcite. Chemical Geology. 256(1-2):46-51, 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.07.022.
15. Beddows, P.A., Brunton, F.R., Buck, M.J., Cowell, D.W. and Parker, S. (2008) Root Cave Project, southern Ontario; in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2008, Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6226,p.35-1 to 35-9.
14. Beddows, P.A., Schwarcz, H.P., *Zhang, R., Ford, D.C. (2008) Cave drip monitoring as a foundation for better paleo-climate reconstruction. In W.R. Elliott (ed.), Proceedings of the 2007 National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, St. Louis, USA. 204-211.
13. Beddows, P.A., Hendrickson, M.R., Webster, K.H., Kras, S.M. (2008) Mapping flooded caves from above: Surface karst inventory of the Yucatan Peninsula. In W.R. Elliott (ed.), Proceedings of the 2007 National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, St. Louis, USA. 193-197.
12. Beddows, P.A., Hendrickson, M.R. (2008) When the survey is not enough: Using temperature, salinity, and in-conduit dye tracing to reveal active flow paths. In W.R. Elliott (ed.), Proceedings of the 2007 National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, St. Louis, USA. 198-203.
11. Beddows, P.A., Smart, P.L., Whitaker, F.F., Smith, S.L. (2007) Decoupled fresh-saline groundwater circulation of a coastal carbonate aquifer: Spatial patterns of temperature and specific electrical conductivity. Journal of Hydrology. 346(1-2): 18-32, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.08.013.
10. Beddows, P.A., Blanchon, P., Escobar, E., Torres-Talamante, O. (2007) Los cenotes de la península de Yucatán. Arqueología Mexicana, 16(83):32-35 (In Spanish)
9. Smart, P.L., Beddows, P.A., Doerr, S., Smith, S.L., Whitaker, F.F. (2006) Cave development on the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Geological Society of America Special Paper 404: Perspectives on Karst Geomorphology, Hydrology, & Geochemistry, 105-128, doi:10.1130/2006. 2404(10).
8. Beddows, P.A. (2003) Yucatán Phreas, Mexico. In Gunn, J. (ed) Encyclopaedia of Cave and Karst Science, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York, USA. 794-796.
7. Beddows, P.A. (2003) Cave Hydrology of the Caribbean Yucatan Coast, Bulletin 11, Association of Mexican Cave Studies, Houston, USA. 96 pp.
6. Beddows, P.A., Smart, P.L., Whitaker, F.F. & Smith, S.L. (2002) Density stratified groundwater circulation on the Caribbean Coast of Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. In Martin, J.B., Wicks, C.M., & Sasowsky, I.D. (eds) Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 7: Hydrogeology and Biology of Post-Paleozoic Carbonate Aquifers, 129-134.
5. Smart, P.L., Beddows, P.A., Doerr, S., Smith, L.S. & Whitaker, F. (2002) Hydrochemical processes and cave development on the Caribbean Coast, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. In Martin, J.B., Wicks, C.M., & Sasowsky, I.D. (eds) Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 7: Hydrogeology and Biology of Post-Paleozoic Carbonate Aquifers, 79-83.
4. Smith, S.L., Whitaker, F.F., Parkes, R.J., Smart, P.L., Beddows, P.A. & Bottrell, S.H. (2002) Geochemistry and geomicrobiology of saline groundwaters: Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. In Martin, J.B., Wicks, C.M., & Sasowsky, I.D. (eds) Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 7: Hydrogeology and Biology of Post-Paleozoic Carbonate Aquifers, 135-137.
3. Beddows, P.A. (2002) Where does the Sewage Go? The karst groundwater system of the Municipalidad de Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Association for Mexican Cave Studies Activities, 47-52.
2. Worthington, S.R.H., Ford, D.C. & Beddows, P.A. (2001) Characteristics of porosity and permeability enhancement in unconfined carbonate aquifers due to the development of dissolutional channel systems. Technical Documents in Hydrology – Present state and future trends of karst studies. IHP-V, UNESCO, Paris 1(49): 13-29.
1. Worthington, S., Ford, D.C. & Beddows, P.A. (2000) Porosity and permeability enhancement in unconfined carbonate aquifers as a result of solution. In Klimchouk, A. Ford, D., Palmer, A. & Dreybrodt, W.(eds) Speleogenesis: Evolution of Karst Aquifers, Cave Books, St Louis (ISBN 978-1-57958-399-6), 463-471.
Educational Publications
Beddows, P.A. (2010) Yucatán Underground. Canadian Caver 71.
Beddows, P.A. (2007) Counting cave drips -An Exercise of global significance. Canadian Caver 64, 8-13.
Beddows, P., Smart, P., Whitaker, F. & Smith, S. (2005) ¿A donde van las aguas residuales? El acuifero cárstico de la Municipalidad de Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, México: Where does the Sewage Go? The karst groundwater system of the Municipalidad de Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Revista de Medio Ambiente, Turismo y Sustentabilidad. 1(1) 121-128.
Beddows, P.A. (2004) Cave development in continental & coastal limestone regions. In Matthes, A., et al. (eds) IANTD Cave Diver Training Manual, IANTD, 90–96.
Beddows, P.A. (2003) An Introduction to the Yucatan Peninsula hydrogeology: A World class example of a coastal carbonate density stratified aquifer. In Cavern Guide Training Program, Asociación de Prestadores de Servícios Acuáticos (Riviera Maya Association of Dive & Watersports Operators – APSA) 45-54.
Beddows, P.A. (2003) Introduction to the hydrogeology of the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. In Ward, B. (ed) Salt Water Intrusion & Coastal Aquifer Conference (SWICA) Field Trip to the Caribbean Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula (April), 13-22.
Conference Contributions with Published Abstracts
* Student contributions
Jaijel, R., Goodman, B., Beddows, P.A., *Carter, A., Smith, D., Rissolo, D., Glover, J., Ben Avraham, Z. (2014) Reconstructing the shoreline and climate of the ancient Maya port Vista Alegre using marine geoarchaeological methods. Society for Historical Archeology Program and Book of Abstracts. Quebec City, CDA. p. 52.
Nava Blank, A., Rissolo, D., Chatters, J.C., Luna Erreguerena, P., Bird, S., Beddows, P.A., Arroyo Cabrales, J., Morell-Hart, S. (2014) The Hoyo Negro Project: Recent investigations of a submerged Late Pleistocene cave site in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Society for Historical Archeology Program and Book of Abstracts. Quebec City, CDA. p. 52.
Rissolo, D., Jaijel, R., Glover, J.B., Goodman, B., Beddows, P., *Carter, A., Smith, D. (2013) Paleoenviron-mental and paleoecological reconstruction of the ancient Maya port site of Vista Alegre, Quintana Roo, Mexico. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Glover, J., Rissolo, D., Beddows, P.A., Goodman, B., Smith, D. (2013) Proyecto Costa Escondida: Interdisciplinary research at the ancient Maya port site of Vista Alegre, Quintana Roo, Mexico. AGU Meeting of the Americas, Cancun, MX. H41A-05
Beddows, P.A. (2013) Exploring the hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry of the Holbox Lagoon. Abstracts of the Society of American Anthropologist 77th Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN. 77:47.
Goodman Tchernov, B., Hijel, R., Beddows, P.A., Rissolo, D., Glover, J. Coring for harbor sediments at Vista Alegre. Abstracts of the Society of American Anthropologist 77th Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN. 77:144.
*Monroy-Ríos, E., Beddows, P.A. (2012) Submarine groundwater discharge of phosphorus and iron from carbonate coastlines under rising sea levels, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. GSA Abstracts and Programs 44(7): 158
*Carter, A., Beddows, P.A. (2012) Holocene sea level and paleo-evaporation records from the maritime Maya port city of Vista Alegre, Yucatan Peninsula. GSA Charlotte Annual Meeting. Abstracts and Programs 44(7): 433.
Beddows, P.A., Metcalfe, C.D., Bouchot Gold, G., Metcalfe, T.L., Li, H., Van Lavieren, H. (2011) Tracing flow paths using contaminants in the coastal karst aquifer system along the Caribbean Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. GSA Minneapolis Annual Meeting (9-12 October, 2011). Abstracts with Programs 43(5): 286.
Beddows, P.A. (2010) Effective placed-based field learning spanning sub-disciplines and undergraduate-graduate levels: Northwestern University Field Excursion to the karst geology of the Yucatan Peninsula. GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010). Abstracts with Programs 42(5): 443.
Smart, P.L., Beddows, P.A., Whitaker, F.F. and Smith S.L. (2010) Regional groundwater circulation of the Caribbean Yucatan coastal aquifer: Results from temperature, specific electrical conductance, dye tracing and flow meter observations. Geological Society of London Meeting on Island and Coastal Hydrology, London, December 2010.
Reinhardt, E., *Gabriel, J., *Van Hengstum, P.J. and Beddows, P.A. (2010) Did groundwater stratification during drought provide potable groundwater in the Northern Yucatan Peninsula during the Maya Terminal and Post-Classic? GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October – 3 November 2010). Paper No. 93-6
Beddows, P.A. (2009) Primary and secondary stratifications as a control on mass and energy fluxes within the Yucatan Peninsula anchialine aquifer system. Proceedings of the Anchialine Ecosystems: Reflection and Prospects Symposium. Mallorca, Spain. *Van Hengstum, P.J., Reinhardt, E.G.,
Beddows, P.A., *Gabriel, J.J. (2009) Environmental reconstruction of a Mexican flooded cave system: Evidence for climate-forced changes to the local freshwater lens, Eos Transactions AGU, 90(22), Joint Assembly Supplement, Abstract PP74A-04
*Torres-Talamante, O., Escobar-Briones, E., Beddows, P.A., Yager, J. (2008) Performing multiprobe profiles and hydrographic description of the water column in an anchialine cave in Quintana Roo. In P. Brueggeman, N.W. Pollock (eds) Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences 27th Symposium. San Diego, USA, ISBN: 978-0-9800423-2-0
*Zhang, R., Schwarcz, H.P., Ford, D.C., Beddows, P.A. (2008) A paleotemperature record obtained from fluid inclusion D/H studies of three coeval aragonite and calcite speleothems from Marengo Cave, Indiana, USA. Climate Change – the Karst Record 5th International Conference, Chongqing, China.
Beddows, P.A., Ford, D.C., Schwarcz, H.P., *Zhang, R. (2008) Hydrochemical and isotopic variability of cave drip water along an elevation gradient and Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction, Vancouver Island, Canada. European Geophysical Union General Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
Ufnar, D., Gröcke, D.R., Beddows, P.A. (2007) Stable isotopes in pedogenic calcite: Can the positive linear covariant trends be used to quantify paleo-evaporation rates? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
Beddows, P.A., *Zhang, R., Schwarcz, H.P., Ford, D.C. (2007) Cave drip waters associated with speleothem formation: Intra and inter-site comparison. Geological Society of America Abstracts. Denver, USA.
Ford, D.C., Beddows, P.A., *Zhang, R., Schwarcz, H.P. (2007) Holocene environmental change on Vancouver Island: The karst record. Geological Society of America Abstracts. Denver, USA.
*Zhang, R. Schwarcz, H.P., Ford, D.C., Beddows, P.A. (2007) Paleoclimate variations from 0 to 12.3 ka BP inferred from three coeval calcite and aragonite speleothems from Marengo Cave, Indiana, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts. Denver, USA.
Beddows, P.A., Schwarcz, H.P., *Zhang, R., Ford, D.C. (2006) Integrated study of cave drip hydrology and hydrochemistry, and the associated paleoclimate records from North America. Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 10: Archives of Climate Change in Karst, 91-93
Beddows, P.A., *Zhang, R., Schwarcz, H.P., Ford, D.C. (2006) δD, δ18O, and hydrological variations in adjacent drips in three caves at increasing elevation: Vancouver Island, BC. Geological Society of America Abstracts. Philadelphia, USA.
Beddows, P.A., Webster, K.H., Kras, S.M. (2006) Inventory development for surface karst features of the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Geological Society of America Abstracts. Philadelphia, USA.
*Torres-Talamante, O., Escobar-Briones, E., Álvarez, F. Alcocer, J., Mejía, L., Beddows, P., Yager, J. (2006) Estudio de relaciones ecológicas y biogeoquímicas de Speleonectes tulumensis (Yager, 1987) en un sistema anquihalino. V Congreso y Reunión Villalobos. Mexico City, Mexico
Beddows, P.A. Smart, P.L., Whitaker, F.F., Smart, S.L. (2006) Regional groundwater circulation of the Caribbean Yucatan aquifer revealed using temperature and specific electrical conductance observations. Limestone Hydrogeology Meeting of the Geological Society. Bristol, U.K.
Beddows, P.A., Smart, P.L., Smith, S.L., Whitaker, F.F. (2005) Potential for inland dispersal of injection well effluent in coastal carbonate aquifers: Evidence from Caribbean Yucatan coast. Proceedings of the National Cave and Karst Management Symposium. Albany, USA
Beddows, P.A., *Zhang, R., Schwarcz, H.P., Ford, D.C., Chin, K. (2005) Instrumental challenges and unexpected research potential revealed by a North American cave drip monitoring network. Proceedings of the National Cave & Karst Management Symposium. Albany, USA
Beddows, P.A., *Zhang, R., Schwarcz, H.P., Ford, D.C. (2005) Seasonality of cave drip hydrology and chemistry in relation to mid-latitude North American Holocene paleoclimate records from speleothems. Geological Society of America Abstracts 37(7):310. Salt Lake City, USA.
*Zhang, R., Schwarcz, H.P., Ford, D.C., Beddows, P.A. (2005) SEM and petrographic studies of stalagmite caps and trapping of fluid inclusions. Geological Society of America Abstracts. 37(7):310. Salt Lake City, USA.
Beddows, P.A., *Zhang, R., Ford, D.C., Schwarcz ,H.P. (2005) Calibrated Holocene paleo-temperature record for North America from stable isotopic analyses of speleothems and their fluid inclusions. Union International de Speleologie Congress Abstracts. Athens, Greece.
Beddows, P.A., Smart, P.L., Smith, S.L., Whitaker, F.F. (2005) Decoupled and depth stratified circulation in a coastal carbonate aquifer: Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Union International de Speleologie Congress Abstracts. Athens, Greece.
Smith, S.L., Whitaker, F.F., Parkes, R.J., Smart, P.L. & P.A. Beddows (2005) Bacterially induced carbonate dissolution in a modern mixing zone: Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. International Symposia for Subsurface Microbiology & Environmental Biogeochemistry Abstract Volume. Jackson Hole, USA.
Beddows, P.A., Smart, P.L., Whitaker, F.F., Smith, S.L. (2004) Heliothermic heating of density stratified groundwater – An Alternative interpretation to geothermal circulation. Geological Society of America Abstracts 36(5):310. Denver, USA.
Beddows, P.A., Smart, P.L., Whitaker, F.F. & Smith, S.L. (2004) Regional groundwater circulation of the Caribbean Yucatan aquifer revealed using temperature and specific electrical conductance observations. British Cave Research Association Science Symposium. Published in Journal of Cave and Karst Science. Manchester, UK.
Beddows, P.A., Smart, P.L., Whitaker, F.F. & Smith, S.L. (2003) Decoupled density stratified groundwater circulation on the Caribbean Coast of the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. British Cave Research Association Science Symposium. Journal of Cave and Karst Science, 29(2):91. Bristol, UK.
Smith, S.L., Whitaker, F.F., Parkes, R.J., Smart, P.L., Beddows, P.A., Bottrell, S.H. (2003) Active dolomitization by saline groundwaters in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. British Cave Research Association Science Symposium. Journal of Cave and Karst Science 29(2):93. Bristol, UK.
Worthington, S.R.H., Ford, D.C., Beddows, P.A. (2001) Porosity and permeability enhancement in unconfined carbonate aquifers as a result of dissolution. SPELEO Brazil 2001 – 13th International Congress of Speleology. Brasilia. Brazil.
Beddows, P.A., Ford, D.C., & Worthington, S.R.H. (1998) Sustainable potable water supplies from conduit systems: Caribbean coast, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Geological Society of America Abstracts. 30(7). Toronto, Canada.
Beddows, P.A., & Ford, D.C. (1998) Spatial and temporal trends of groundwater velocity and water stage within the Nohoch Nah Chich System: Implications for contaminant dispersion (Yucatan Peninsula, México). Geological Association of Canada & the Mineralogical Association of Canada Abstract Volume – Quebec 1998, A13. Québec City, Canada.
Beddows, P.A., & Ford, D.C. (1998) Hydrological aspects of a tropical coastal karstic aquifer: North-eastern Yucatan Peninsula. The Association of American Geographers 94th Annual Meeting, 1998 Abstract Volume, p.19. Boston, USA.
Northwestern Family Weekend | 2023 |
Blue-Green Humanities, Organized by Tracy Davis | 2023 |
Keynote – Comisión Nacional del Agua (México) Consejo de Cuenca de la Península de Yucatán | 2023 |
NU Alumnae Associate – Women in Science course series | 2022 |
Consejo de Cuenca de la Península de Yucatán | 2022 |
Centinelas del Agua – Dia Mundial del Agua | 2022 |
Red de Planetarios de Quintana Roo (16,000+ views) | 2022 |
Green House, Residence Hall, Northwestern University | 2022 |
Northwestern Energy Technology Group (NETG) | 2022 |
NU Alumnae Association – Health of Our Planet: Past, Present and Future course series. | 2021 |
Willard Residential Hall, Northwestern University | 2021 |
TeachX – Northwestern University selected presenter. Panel coordination. | 2021 |
Nevada State College | 2019 |
Grupo X-Caret (at Xel Ha) | 2019 |
Chicago Scuba Meetup | 2019 |
Northern Illinois University, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences | 2019 |
TeachX – Northwestern University selected presenter | 2018 |
Rio Secreto Nature Reserve | 2017 & 2018 |
Geological Society of America – Invited speaker in Session – T120. Karst Processes & Speleogenesis: Advances in Monitoring, Modeling, & Measurements | 2015 |
Centinelas del Agua, Playa del Carmen in Rio Secreto | 2015 |
Northwestern Science Café – Skeletons in the Cave: Survival in a Changing World | 2015 |
NU Knowledge at Noon | 2015 |
Northwestern Faculty Alumni Association | 2015 |
Comisíon Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA) | 2012 |
Northwestern University, Earth and Planetary Sciences | 2012 |
Florida International University, Civil and Environmental Engineering – WATERSCAPES Speaker | 2010 |
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | 2009 |
University of Northern Illinois, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences | 2009 |
Northwestern University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences | 2008 |
Université de Montréal, Département de géographie | 2008 |
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences | 2008 |
Nipissing University, Geography Department | 2008 |
University of Toronto, Physical and Environmental Sciences | 2008 |
University of Toronto, Department of Geology | 2008 |
Kutztown University, Department of Geology | |
Western Kentucky, Department of Geography and Geology | 2008 |
University of Dayton, Department of Geology | 2008 |
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México. Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (ICMyL) Puerto Morelos, México [in Spanish] | 2007 |
University of Lethbridge, Geography Department | 2007 |
Foro del Agua, Municipalidad de Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, México [in Spanish] | 2006 |
McMaster University, School of Geography & Earth Sciences, Canada | 2006 |
University of Victoria, Department of Geography, Canada | 2006 |
University of Regina, Department of Geography, Canada | 2006 |
University of Akron, Department of Geology, USA | 2005 |
University of South Florida, Department of Environmental Science & Policy | 2003 |
Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Departamento de Oceanografía Física, Ensenada, México [in Spanish] | 2002 |
Scientific Advisor: The Nature Conservancy International (TNC) a. Active member of panel through evaluation phase. b. Contributions to writing and final editing of Plan de Conservación Akumal Tulum, 2009. 57pp. |
2009-2010 |
National Geographic contracted to Sea Studios of Monterrey a. Dirty Secrets Released 2008. An episode of National Geographic’s Strange Days on Planet Earth. On Cameria scientist and Scientific Advisor b. Coral Connections Released 2008. Scientific advisor |
2oo7-2008 |
BBC Natural History Unit, Bristol, U.K. Secrets of Mayan Underworld Released 2005.Scientific advisor. (Remunerated) |
2004 – 2005 |
BBC Natural History Unit, Bristol, U.K. Planet Earth: Caves Released 2006. Scientific advisor. (Remunerated) |
2004 – 2006 |
Active | |
American Geophysical Union | AGU |
Geological Society of America | GSA |
National Speleological Association, including Cave Diving and Geology sections | NSS-CDS |
Previous | BCRA |
British Cave Research Association | CAG |
Canadian Association of Geographers | CGRG |
Canadian Geomorphology Research GRoup | CGU |
Canadian Geophysical Union | CANQUA |
Geological Association of Canada | MPS |
McMaster Paleontological Society | RGS-IBG |
Societé Québecois de Speleologie | SQS |
University of Bristol Speleological Society | UBSS |
NSF Summit on the Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education | 2014 |
Akumal Climate Station – Centro Ecológico Akumal. Fund raising from vested academics world-wide, planning, purchase coordination, and overseeing installation and maintenance. | 2010 – present |
Organizer: International Union of Speleology Field Trip.Pre-congress field trip to the Yucatan Peninsula for ~20 international participants. | July 2009 |
Co-Chair Special Session (in absentia): American Geophysical Union – Acapulco Paleoenvironmental Records from Cave Sediments (PP07) | May 2006 |
Co–Organizer: Post conference field trip, Caribbean coast of Yucatan Peninsula Salt Water Intrusion & Coastal Aquifers: Monitoring, Modeling, Management. Mérida, México. | April 2003 |
Organizer: Conference facilities and local arrangements, Bristol, UK. British Cave Research Association Science Symposium held in the School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol. | 8 March 2003 |
Chair: Biology Session & Geology Session British Cave Research Association Hidden Earth Annual Meeting, Monmouth, UK | 27-29 September 2002 |
NOAA Ocean Exploration – Signature Exploration Selected for full media presence development by NOAA for Exploring the Hidden Wold in the Maritime Maya – Contributing Author and Co-PI on project. |
2011 |
International Research Press Coverage – 5 newswires by UN-University (research funding agency) | 2011 |
Featuring publication of “Containmants in the coastal karst aquifer systems along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico”, including to Reuters (English, French, Spanish), United Press International, AFP Press Agency, EFE, IPS. Press generated in excess of 200 online story derivatives from 32 countries and print distribution of 2.5 million readership. e.g. |
Press “Who knew Northwestern University had its own glacier? And now it’s melting fast” Instigated and supported writing of article on the Northwestern Glacier by Bentley, for Medill Report | 2011 |
National Geographic “Diver Vanishes into Portal to the Maya Underworld Ranked second most watched video in 2010. Length 3:43 Video – Ranking – |
2010 |
EPS Yucatan 2009 Video “Fun,Sun, and Science” Coordinated production of documentary short film of the EPS experiential educational trip to the Yucatan Peninsula Mexico. Produced by Lauren Pond.Awarded First place, in the American Geological Institute Life in the Field Video Contest. Length 5:38 |
2010 |
National Geographic contracted to Sea Studios of Monterrey | 2007-2008 |
2008. Dirty Secrets Released 2008. An episode of National Geographic’s Strange Days on Planet Earth. On-camera scientist and scientific advisor. | |
2009. Coral Connections Released 2008. Scientific Advisor | |
CBC – “Cave Research – Paleoenvironmental research in Rats Nest Cave” On-camera scientist and research consultant. Aired nationally on Saturday Report + Provincially in Alberta on CBC News at Six in both Edmonton and Calgary |
2006 |
BBC Natural History Unit, Bristol, U.K. Secrets of Mayan Underworld Released 2005.Scientific advisor. |
2004-2005 |
BBC Natural History Unit, Bristol, U.K | 2004-2006 |
BBC Natural History Unit, Bristol, U.K Planet Earth: Caves Released 2006. Scientific advisor |
2004-2006 |
Mother tongues : English and French
Second Language: Fluent in Spanish
Kellogg Certificate – Management skills for Innovative University Leaders NU Faculty leadership program to introduce business concepts and specific tools and frameworks for effective leadership. Selected and sponsored by WCAS. Nine days |
2013 |
NU Learning, Teaching, and Assessment Forum
One day event showcasing teaching and assessment innovations, strategies, practices , and outcomes |
2013 |
Grantsmanship for the Research Professional, Northwestern University
Two day course instructed by Holly Falk-Krzesinski |
2009 |
Students in the lab: quality-time or predictable demo?,Centre Leadership in Learning | Mar. 2007 |
McMaster University. One day. Designing effective experiential learning modules in the lab and field. Three days | |
McMaster University: Eighteen hour enquiry based course focused on the question ” What makes for an effective lecture?” which included development of lecture skills through active participation | |
Environmental Data Acquisition Training, Observatoire Royale de Belgique Design, construction, and implementation of data acquisition systems including data loggers and geophysical sensors. Four days |
May 2004 |
Time Series & Tidal Analysis Methods, International Centre for Earth Tides | Nov.2002 |
Observatoire Royale de Belgique. Individual training over two weeks on tidal data pre-processing and analysis. Fourteen days | |
SCUBA – Cave Diver, and other technical SCUBA certifications SCUBA Instructor – Open Water (ACUC – License lapsed). Full Cave Diving Certification and membership – Cave Diving Section of the National Speleological Society (NSS-CDS), Full Cave Diving Certification and membership – National Association of Cave Diving (NACD). Ice Diver (ACUC). Oxygen Provider (DAN/ACUC). Nitrox enriched air (IANTD & ACUC). |
1996 – present |
Thermo Finnigan Delta Plus XP continuous flow mass spectrometer with Costech EA and Thermo TC/EA peripherals
SIRA duel inlet mass spectrometer
OPTIMA duel inlet mass spectrometer
Perkin Elmer SCIEX Elan 6100 quadrupole ICP-MS
Vacuum-line and crusher for capture of vapor samples from environmental materials
Quantitative fluorescent dye tracing for aquifer evaluation – field techniques and scanning spectrofluometry for multiple concurrent dye quantification.
Oceanographic current meters: mechanical, acoustic doppler and electromagnetic
Field data logging: multi-channel and programmable models including Campbell Scientific, Squirrel, other.
Custom-made loggers using industrial process control cards.
Electronic field instrumentation: temperature thermistors arrays, conductivity/TDS/salinity, pH, pressure transducers for barometric and hydraulic pressure, meteorological sensors including radiation, wind speed, other, borehole sensors arrays, and many others.
Experienced research diver in open water and flooded caves.
Custom Course Ware (CCW), McMaster University Bookstore (full & part time) 1993-1999
Integral in the development of this printing-on-demand business (established 1992) for “course packs”. Established and refined business practices to secure copyright contracts, and then electronic scanning, compilation, and printing of materials. Worked as a team-member and trained seasonal staff in a high-stress environment to consistently meet deadlines and outperform production goals. CCW was awarded 1st place at the Canadian Productivity Awards 1994 – Institutional Division, and is a Xerox technology and software testing and development site.
Areas of Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching (last 5 years)
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Environmental Policy and Culture
Environmental Science
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Graduate School
Specific Courses Taught
ENV SCI 201/CIV ENV 201 – Earth – A Habitable Planet (Intro.Earth Systems). Lecture based class |
Spring 2013 |
EARTH 102-6 -Voyages of Discovery Northwestern University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Freshman writing seminar |
Fall 2011 Winter 2013 |
ENVR_POL 397-1/397-2 – Environmental Field School Field Internship with National Parks and National Forests. Seminar sessions and guided readings |
Summer 2012 Summer2013 (non-credit based) |
EARTH 519 – Responsible Conduct of Research | Spring 2011 |
EARTH 360 -Instrumentation and Field Methods Practicum. Problem based learning course. Co-taught with Dr. Van der Lee |
Spring 2012 Winter 2011 Winter 2010 |
Experiential Field Trip to Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico – Lead Coordinator and Instructor Carbonate Hydrogeochemistry & Sedimentology, Coastal Environments |
Year Days Students Collaborating Instructional Staff
2013 10 16 Sole faculty, and Mr. Michael Fortwengler (Shell)
2011 10 13 Dr. Bina, Dr. Jacobson, and Mr. Michael Fortwengler (Shell)
2010 10 13 Dr. van der Lee, Dr. Jacobson, & Dr. Chet Weiss (GSU).
2009 8 18 Dr. Sageman and Dr. Jurdy.
Curriculum Development, Establishment of New/Improved Courses (last 5 yrs)
ENV SCI 201/CIV ENV 201 – Earth – A Habitable Planet (Intro Earth Surface Processes Significant curricular and pedagogical development in progress for Spring 2014 |
Spring 2014 |
ENVR_POL 397/397-2 – Environmental Field School New program proposal to be submitted to WCAS |
Summer 2014 |
EARTH 102-6 – Voyages of Discovery New Course |
Summer 2014 |
EARTH 519 – Responsible Conduct Research New offering -discussion sessions focused on the practice of Earth Science |
Winter/Spring of 2011,2012,2013,2014 |
Earth 360 – Instrumentation and Field Methods practicum.Problem based learning course Co-taught with Dr. van der Lee |
Winter 2010,2011,Spring 2012 |
Experiential Field Trip to Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico – Lead coordinator and Instructor Field practicum – complete development and ~ 30% renewal in each offering. Video reportage of the 2009 trip for the nature of undertaking |
Names of Students in Tutorial or Advisory Registration (last 3 years) 398/399/490/590’s
Alice Marie CARTER Senior Thesis Project Multiproxy reconstruction of the Alegre Maritime Maya coastal archeological site using sediment cores. WCAS Honors. Phi Beta Kappa. Awarded Undergraduate Research Grant (URG) for $1000 + 50% travel Presented at the Geological Society of America |
Three x 399 in 2011 Fall, 2012 Spring, 2012 Winter |
Peter Eric CARLSON Senior Thesis Project |
Three x 399 in 2011 Fall, 2012 Spring, 2012 Winter
Viole Christine ZERBE Independent research based on primary and historical data collection over Environmental Field School Analysis of the Francis Creek bypass project: The Evolution of an engineered alpine stream (36 pp.) |
One x 399 in 2011 Fall |
Peter Donald ILHARDT Senior Thesis Project WCAS Honors. Phi Beta Kapa. Awarded Undergraduate Research Grant (URG) for $1000 + 50% travel. People’s Choice Award at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. (poster) Now technical science intern at Mammoth Cave International Center for Science and Learning. |
Three x 399 in 2012 Fall, 2013 Spring, 2013 Winter |
Ellie June BENSINGER EARTH major research requirement. Variation in Charcoal Abundance in cores from Maya Port City of Vista Alegre, Quintana Roo. 14 pp. |
2013 Winter |
Kayleen Theresa McMONIGAL Senior Thesis Project Developing a new paleo sea level proxy: The Calcite Rafts of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Awarded Undergraduate Research Grant (URG) for $1000, and WCAS Research Grant for $1000. |
Three x 399 so far, in2013 Spring, 2013 Fall, 2014 Winter |
Zachary David KISFALUSI Senior Thesis Project Urban hydrology of northern Cook County |
Two x 399 so far, in 2013 Fall, 2014 Winter
Gregory O. LEHN | Two X 499 in 2011 Winter, 2010 Fall |
Emiliano MONROY -RIOS | Five X 499 in 2011 Spring, 2011 Fall,2012 Winter, 2012 Fall, 2013 Winter |
Emiliano MONROY-RIOS | Two x 490 in 2012 Fall, 2012 Spring |
Names of Ph.D.’s for whose Doctoral work you have been chief advisor. Affiliation of those now graduated.
Emiliano Monroy-Rios – PhD, Earth & Planetary Sciences Primary PhD Advisor. Terrestrial nutrient flux to the coastal zone, with a focus on geological sources of phosphate.$104 000. CONACYT Mexican Graduate Student Fellowship over 4 years. |
2011- present |
Names of Ph.D. Candidates – Adviser, Committee Member, Dissertation Reader, etc. – last 5 yrs with specific rolls indicated.
Greg Lehn – PhD, Earth & Planetary Sciences Advisor on Second Research Proposal Committee Member Phreatic calcite rafts as a novel paleoenvironmental record on hydrochemistry and water level |
2010 – present |
Ben Morgan – Ph.D, Plant Biology and Conservation Mentor CO-PI with Louise Egerton-Warburton in developing NSF grant (2 submitted) in support of collaborative aspects of Morgan PhD thesis Research. Molecular genetic tools to investigate the composition of plant and fungal communities in the seasonally dry tropical forests of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, and their interaction with the pervasive karst cave system underlying the forests. |
2012-present |
Direct Line Supervisor of Research Staff
Lab Manager – Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer | Dr. Koushik Dutta |
Computer Technician | Dr. Baudilio Tejerina |
Rock Prep Facility | Ms. Grace Schellinger |
Education beyond the Classroom – Activities with EPS undergraduate and graduate students – Organization & Instruction | |
Chicago water ways – Kayaking Trip through Chicago | 2009, 2010 |
Glacial Park + Volo Bog (Joint with ISP) | 2009,2010,2013 |
Mammoth Cave National Park weekends, with Wild Caving | 2011,2012,2014 |
GIS Training Weekends for undergraduate and graduate students (2 full days) | 2010, 2011 |
Coordination with NU GIS Expert Chieko Maene for the provision of 2 day workshops in introductory GIS for earth science and plant biology and conservation science students, both undergraduate, both undergraduate. | |
IT Consultant Selection Committee, Chair | Jan. 2013 |
IRMS Lab Manager Selection Committee, Member | March 2012 |
Acting Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) | Winter 2011 |
Acting Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) | Fall 2012 |
Phased Move- out of Locy Hall | 2010 – 2013 |
Coordination of the phased move-out from Locy Hall spaces into Hogan ILEPS lab facilities | |
WCAS – EPS Booth at Majors Fair | 2010 – present |
Graduate recruitment – GSA Booth | 2009-2012 |
Webpage committee member, and content contributor Working with Program Assistant, active involvement as a faculty representative of the EPS web-page redevelopment, with launch of new CMS version in 2010. continuous critical evaluation and renewal |
2009- Present |
Corporate Recruitment – Chevron and Shell Coordinated site visits of recruiters from Shell and Chevron, both of whom are EPS Alums. Two EPS students full time hired and numerous summer internships due to these efforts. |
2009 – present |
WCAS – EPS Booth at Majors Fair | 2010 – present |
Graduate Recruitment – GSA Booth | 2009 – 2012 |
Webpage committee member, and content contributor Working with Program Assistant, active involvement as a faculty representative of the EPS web-page redevelopment, with launch of new CMS version in 2010. Continuous critical evaluation and renewal. |
2009 – Present |
Corporate Recruitment – Chevron and Shell | 2009 – present |
Curriculum Committee – member, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Development of new structure for the undergraduate majors program, now submitted for consideration by the CRC in early 2011. Ongoing review of curriculum and scheduling related by faculty availability. |
2009 – present |
Undergraduate Recruitment to EPS Active involvement with prospective undergraduate students in support of recruitment to EPS. Declared majors in EPS have approximately doubled since 2008, with more students declaring their major earlier in the program. |
2009 – present |
ILEPS Development – Integrated Laboratories for Earth and Planetary Sciences Coordination of the design, construction, and commissioning of the new integrated laboratory faculties for EPS. Almost daily activities include coordination between FM, the design firm (HED, the contractors (Power Construction), and the leading research faculty within Earth and Planetary Sciences, to ensure that full operation of the facilities is achieved. In 2010, four of the 6 modules reached operation. Completion of the Clean Lab and TIMS facility (A. Jacobson) and the Mineral Physics lab achieved in 2011. Ribbon cutting November 2011. |
2008 – 2011 |
Tech Infill Development – New office facilities for Earth and Planetary Sciences Member of the departmental Tech-Infill space committee. Since 2010, principal liaison with weekly interaction our FM project manager as the construction of the Tech-Infill has begun. In 2011, role as departmental liaison significantly increased, with move-in presently scheduled for summer/fall 2012. |
2008 – present |
Computing – committee member | 2008 – Present |
EPicentreS department annual newsletter. Contributing author, editing/proof reading |
2008 – Present |
Director – EPC Environmental Field School | 2013-present |
Co-Director – EPC Environmental Field School | 2012 |
University Senate | |
Faculty Senate Elected Member, Northwestern University | 2011- Present |
Faculty Senate Benefits Committee (Interim Chair 2011), Northwestern University | 2011 – present |
STUDENT RELATIONS Adult mentorship, including interaction with residential students over meals, at special events, and supporting personal growth and educational activities within and beyond the residential college. |
2010 – present |
Faculty Fellow, Jones Residential College for the Fine and Performing Arts | 2010 – present |
Office of Fellowships Participant in mock interviews and mentorship activities of Northwestern students and recent alumni in their preparation for competition for national and international awards of prestige. |
2008 – present |
Undergraduate Research Grants – URG – ISEN/EPS representative | 2011 – present |
WCAS Freshman Advisor |
AY 2011 – 2012
COMMUNITY WORK: PUBLIC EDUCATION & OUTREACHProject Excite: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Coordinator for faculty and graduate student let activities within the department, including 2 days of small group activities for select students from the 3rd and 4th grade from Chicago Public School district 86. Supported development of new activities by graduate students including “Global Warming in a Bottle”, “How Big is a Dinosaur”, “Deep Sea Vents”. Project Excite is collaborative project with the Northwestern Center for Talent Development (CTD), Evanston/Skokie School District 65, and Evanston Township High School District (ETHS) 202. ~50 Children IN 2009-2011, with increase to 75 in 2012. |
2009 – present |
Center for Talent Development – Coordinated with Dr. Steven McGee OF SESP | 2010 |
NASA Summer Education Outreach – Chicago High Schools Lead scientific advisor, and embedded scientist for this 5 week long summer effort, with 8-9 high school students from Chicago Public schools. Educational material and program development on climate change using remotely sensed and NASA data. Recruited and organized EPS graduate students to provide education extension, and pedagogical support.Ongoing work includes translation of 2010 summer experience into fixed pedagogical materials for inclusion in the Chicago Public School curriculum. |
2011 |
Northwestern Annual Climate Change Symposium- | |
Global Problems, Local Solution |
Mar. 8, 2012 |
Problems to Solutions |
Oct. 18 2010 |
Problems to Policy |
Nov. 4, 2009 |
ETHS Biology internships 20+ contact hours each (total 140 contact hours), providing skill developing and mentorship. Separation, cataloguing and photographic documentation, and identification of bones from cave sediments. Dendrochronology using tree sections from NU campus. Greenhouse gas in a bottle experiments. |
7 students, 2010 & 2012 |
EPS Climate Station at Northwestern University PI for acquisition and establishing the Northwestern Climate Station which will support undergraduate |
2010-present |
High School Student Tours -Analytical lab facilities and collections Educational tours of research facilities with added discussion of careers in Earth Science.
2010-present |