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Club Leaders

Meet a few of the students who make up the Northwestern Aviation Club executive board. If you are looking for someone in particular, email us at for contact details.


Picture of John McDermott 23'

John McDermott ’23
My name is John McDermott. I’m a Junior Religious Studies major and am pursuing a career as a professional pilot. I currently hold a Private Pilot Certificate and am pursuing an Instrument Rating. I’m excited for all the new events we’re planing for this year and can’t wait to share my love of aviation with Northwestern.

Elie Clark ’24

I’m Elie! I’m a second-year studying history and political science. I finished my pilot’s license in August of 2020. I’m excited to be treasurer for the club!

Picture of Santiago Oskandy 23'

Santiago Oskandy ’23
I’m Santi, and I’m the Vice President of Flight Operations. As VP of Flight Ops, I’m in charge of all things having to do with the more pilot aspect of aviation. I’m currently a student pilot hoping to get my private pilots license soon, and I’m based out of Chicago Executive Airport.

Max Shapiro ’24

I am Max Shapiro, sophomore studying Industrial engineering with a minor in transportation and logistics and a certificate in managerial analytics from Kellogg. Spending time with aviation club is one of my favorite things to do because there are so many people in day to day life that know so much about aviation, but to be able to spend time with those who do and are interested in learning about it is special. The trips that we do, like touring Midway Airport, are very exciting and I am looking forward to going on more of those soon.

Andrew Kearney ’24

Hi! I’m Andrew, our new Recruitment chair. I’m a sophomore majoring in Bio/Chem. Although I’ve never been behind the controls, I find aviation an absolutely fascinating subject to explore and learn more about. I’m particularly fond of passenger jets and operations, but truthfully I get a kick out of all things planes. As we look to expand the club, I’m excited to bring both aviation devotees like myself as well as prospective/current pilots into our ranks. I look forward to seeing you!