In 1896, master planner and architect Daniel Burnham appealed to the...
Visual representations of Atlas can be found throughout Chicago, though perhaps...
Extraordinary mythical scenes are all over the ceiling of the Chicago...
“Si Non Oscillas, Noli Tintinnare,” translated immediately as “If you don’t...
All Our Tragic, a 12-hour long festive adaptation of Greek tragedy,...
The advertisements for the World’s Fairs of 1893...
The 24-ft gilded woman in Jackson Park is a small replica...
Was Mayor Richard J. Daley a metropolis-molding tyrant of Caesarian proportions?...
Like the famously wily Odysseus, Jane Addams often needed to think...
How does an ancient mythical creature turn into a benchmark of...
Satirical magazine Puck published this cartoon, “Phryne before the Chicago Tribunal,”...
After the Great Fire of 1871, the sight of devastated buildings with...