A video recounts the story of the design, construction and ongoing...
In1985, the Sulzer Library in Lincoln Square was the site of...
In his collage project, “The Wonder—Portraits of a Remembered City,” contemporary...
Field Museum Erechtheion, Acropolis, Athens The architecture of both the Field...
The Old Federal Building that once stood on the...
Above the doorway at 120 North La Salle Street a mosaic...
Spike Lee adapted Aristophanes’ comic masterpiece Lysistrata to address a 21st...
Carvings of creatures from Aesop’s fables by American sculptor Rene Paul...
In the 1950s the luxurious Congress Hotel on South Michigan Avenue...
A 600-ft long cement bench covered with paintings by local families...
Extraordinary mythical scenes are all over the ceiling of the Chicago...
Satirical magazine Puck published this cartoon, “Phryne before the Chicago Tribunal,”...