Thank you for your interest in the Astro Imaging Workshop! Hosted by Northwestern University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA), this workshop will bring together experts in image processing and astronomy to exchange ideas, open questions, and methodologies. Invited speakers will share their expertise in image processing for the astronomical domain, and breakout sessions will allow participants to connect across disciplinary boundaries to jumpstart collaborations. We will explore a wide range of questions in image reconstruction and classification of astronomical signals. Planned topics include exoplanet imaging, deconvolution, gravitational wave analysis, and other signal processing problems in astronomical data science.
The Astro Imaging Workshop will take place on July 31, 2023 at the Department of Computer Science’s seminar room and the CIERA Sky Lounge.
Scientific Organizing Committee
Emma Alexander / Northwestern University
Jason Wang / Northwestern University
Local Organizing Committee
Emma Alexander / Northwestern University
Jason Wang / Northwestern University
Kari Frank / Northwestern University
Madeline Wilson (staff) / Northwestern University
William Vercellone (staff) / Northwestern University