
May 2024

  • We welcome Lea Landamm as a visiting scholar from Frankfurt, Germany.


April 2024

  • Congratulations to Kevin on passing his candidacy exam!
  • Our review is out in the journal Oncogene. doi: 10.1038/s41388-024-02975-9. PMID: 38409550
  • Paper out in Molecular Cell. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2024.03.018. PMID: 38640896.


March 2024

  • Congratulations to Mahmood on receiving the Katten Muchin Rosenman Travel Scholarship from the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center.
  • Congratulations to Emmely on being accepted at a couple of Ph.D. programs. Now Emmely needs to decide where to go!


February 2024

  • A collaborative paper with the Barish lab is out in Nature Metabolism. doi: 10.1038/s42255-024-00983-3. PMID: 38337096


December 2023

  • Our paper is out in Cell and Disease. doi: 10.1038/s41419-023-06342-6. PubMed PMID: 38092740


October 2023

  • Arango lab becomes Green Lab certified!


June 2023

  • Emmely Patrasso re-joins the lab as a post-bacc researcher.


June 2022

  • Emmely successfully defended her Undergraduate thesis and obtained her degree at IMC University of Applied Sciences. Krems, Austria.
  • Sharath Narayan joins the lab as a Ph.D. student in the DGP interdisciplinary life sciences program
  • Hanna Serio joins the lab as a Research Technology
  • Daisy Zarco and Max Guryan are our 2023 summer students!


May 2023

  • Adam Receives the 2023 Chemistry of Life Sciences Summer Scholar Award.
  • Mahmood Joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow


April 2023

  • Daniel receives the prestigious Searle Scholar Award from the Kinship Foundation


February 2023

  • Our Review paper is accepted in Chromosoma. Patrasso EA, Raikundalia S, Arango D#. Regulation of the Epigenome Through RNA Modifications. (2023). Chromosoma. 132(3):231-246. # Corresponding.


January 2023

  • Daniel makes it to finalist in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Freeman Hrabowski Scholar competition.


November 2022

  • Our protocol paper is accepted in STAR Protocols. Sturgill D*#, Arango D*#, Oberdoerffer S#. (2022). Base Resolution mapping of ac4C using RedaC:T-seq. STAR Protocols. 3(4): 101858. * Equal contribution. # Corresponding.


September 2022

  • Sweta receives the best presentation award at the Annual Pharmacology Retreat at Northwestern.


August 2022

  • Emmely Patrasso joins the lab as a visiting scholar from Austria
  • Emmely receives the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Scholarship.
  • Gael joins the world, and Daniel goes on paternity leave!
  • The same day Gael is born, Daniel gets a V Scholar Grant funded


July 2022

  • Daniel receives a Career Development Award to Further Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Cancer Research from American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).
  • Kevin Receives a fellowship from the Biotechnology Training Grant at Northwestern University


June 2022

  • Adam Suh joins the lab as an undergraduate student in in Chemical engineering


May 2022

  • Kevin Vasquez joins the lab a Ph.D. student in Chemical engineering


April 2022

  • Our paper is accepted in Molecular Cell. Arango D*, Sturgill D*, Yang R, Kanal T, Bauer P, Roy J, Wang M, Hosogane M, Schiffers S, Oberdoerffer S. (2022). Direct epitranscriptomic regulation of mammalian translation initiation through N4-acetylcytidine. Mol Cell. 8(15):2797-2814. * Equal contribution.
  • The Arango lab receives a Pilot Project award for Junior URM Faculty from the American Cancer Society.


March 2022

  • Sweta Raikundalia joins the lab as Postdoctoral Fellow


September 2021

  • The Arango lab opens its doors.
  • The Arango lab gets the R00 grant funded!