
Investment Skill of the Rich
(by Cynthia Balloch and Petra Vokata)
Derivatives and Asset Pricing Conference, March 2024

Innovation Networks and R&D Allocation
(by Ernest Liu and Song Ma)
NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA, July 2023

Welfare Accounting
(by Eduardo Dávila and Andreas Schaab)
Cowles Foundation Conference on Macroeconomics, New Haven, June 2023

Over-the-Counter Markets for Non-Standardized Assets
(by Yoshio Nozawa and Anton Tsoy)
Luiss Finance Workshop, Rome, May 2023

Product Differentiation and Oligopoly: A Network Approach
(by Bruno Pellegrino)
NBER Economic Fluctuations and Growth Program Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, February 2023

Bonds, Currencies, and Expectational Errors
(by Eleonora Granziera and Markus Sihvonen)
Vienna Symposium on Foreign Exchange Markets, WU Vienna Research Institute for Capital Markets, August 2022

Endogenous Production Networks and Non-Linear Monetary Transmission
(by Mishel Ghassibe)
12th International Research Forum on Monetary Policy, European Central Bank, May 2022

Entry vs. Rents: Aggregation with Economies of Scale
(by David Baqaee and Emmanuel Farhi)
Banco de Espana 4th Annual Research Conference, Market Power in the Digital Age: Measurement, Causes, Consequences and Policies, September 2021

Collateralized Debt Networks with Lender Default
(by Jin-Wook Chang)
Midwest Finance Association, University of Minnesota, August 2020

Regulating Financial Networks Under Uncertainty
(by Carlos Ramirez)
American Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, January 2020

Interbank Networks in the Shadows of the Federal Reserve Act
(by Haelim Anderson, Selman Erol, and Guillermo Ordonez)
Advances in Macro-Finance Tepper-LAEF Conference, September 2019

Asset Pricing Implications of Systemic Risk in Network Economies
(by Andrea Buraschi and Pietro Tebaldi)
Western Finance Association Conference, Huntington Beach, CA, June 2019

The Network Origins of Bank Influence: Evidence from Bank-to-Firm and Firm-to-Firm Linkages
(by Hans Dewachter, Joris Tielens, and Jan Van Hove)
Banco de Espana–CEMFI Conference on Financial Stability, June 2019

Systemic Risk-Shifting in Financial Networks
(by Matthew Elliott, Co-Pierre Georg, and Jonathon Hazell)
Federal Reserve Board Conference on the Interconnectedness of Financial Systems, March 2019

Bail-ins and Bail-outs: Incentives, Connectivity, and Systemic Stability
(by Benjamin Bernard, Agostino Capponi, and Joseph E. Stiglitz)
American Finance Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, January 2019

Misallocation and Productivity in General Equilibrium
(by David Baqaee and Emmanuel Farhi)
NBER Monetary Economics Program Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, March 2018

The Emergence of Market Structure
(by Maryam Farboodi, Gregor Jarosch, and Robert Shimer)
INET Financial Networks Conference, Columbia University, February 2018

Network Hazard and Bailouts
(by Selman Erol)
INET Financial Networks Conference, Columbia University, February 2018

Instability of Centralized Markets
(by Ahmad Peivandi and Rakesh Vohra)
Econometric Society Winter Meeting, January 2018

Endogenous Production Networks
(by Daron Acemoglu and Pablo Azar)
Workshop on Social and Economic Networks, Becker-Friedman Institute, University of Chicago, September 2017

The Macroeconomic Impact of Microeconomic Shocks: Beyond Hulten’s Theorem
(by David Baqaee and Emmanuel Farhi)
LSE Workshop on Networks in Macro & Finance, June 2017

Monetary Policy Through Production Networks: Evidence from the Stock Market
(by Ali Ozdagli and Michael Weber)
NBER Monetary Economics Program, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, March 2016

Information Acquisition and Response in Peer-Effect Networks
(by Matthew Leister)
Third Economic Networks and Finance Conference, LSE, December 2015.

Consensus Expectations and Conventions
(by Benjamin Golub and Stephen Morris)
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics Summer School, June 2015

Optimal Supervisory Architecture and Financial Integration in a Banking Union
(by Jean-Edouard Colliard)
Conference on Bank Performance, Capri, Italy, June 2015

Supply Chain Network Structure and Firm Returns
(by John Birge and Jing Wu)
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management SIG Conference, Toronto, June 2015

Financial Frictions in Production Networks
(by Saki Bigio and Jennifer La’O)
Institute for New Economic Thinking, April 2015

Input Diffusion and the Evolution of Production Networks
(by Vasco Carvalho and Nico Voigtlander)
NBER EFJK Growth Group Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, February 2015

Centrality-Based Capital Allocations and Bailout Funds
(by Adrian Alter, Ben Craig, and Peter Raupach)
Annual International Journal of Central Banking Research Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, September 2014

Financial Networks and Contagion
(by Matthew Elliott, Benjamin Golub, and Matthew Jackson)
Macro Financial Modeling and Macroeconomic Fragility Conference, October 2013