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Category: Newsletter

PAS participation in Ghana summer conferences

Northwestern faculty and alumni made an impressive turnout at the 47th International Traditional Music World Conference and the Association for the Study of the...
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In memoriam: Lansiné Kaba (1941-2023)

by Marcia Tiede We were saddened by the unexpected loss of Lansiné Kaba on May 27 in Conakry, Guinea, the victim of a stroke...
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Parallel Perspectives interview series highlights current

   By Kelly Coffey This fall, the Program of African Studies will release the video interview series “Parallel Perspectives.” With a focus on Africa...
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Swahili corner

By: Gabriel West I am in my second year of Swahili and my third year at Northwestern. I postponed taking a language course due...
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PAS bookshelf

Rethinking Civil Military Relations in Africa: Beyond the Coup D’etat (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2022).   Political science alumni Moses Khisa (2016) and Christopher...
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African-led peace operations: Enhancing effectiveness

By: Eric G. Berman   Last August, the East African Community became the 14th regional organization on that continent to deploy a peace operation...
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Community news winter 2023

Community news winter 2023 Semiu Adefemi Adegbenle (history graduate student) coauthored a chapter, “Female Deputy Governors as Subaltern in Lagos Politics, 1999–2019,” in Gender Politics...
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Message from PAS Director Christ Abani, Winter 2022-23

Well, it is that time again for the director’s message. Recently, sculptor, poet, and artist, Adegoke Tugbigele, in an Instagram post brought our attention...
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Northwestern Africanists participate in annual ASA meeting

The theme of the 2022 African Studies Association meeting was “African Urbanities, Mobility and Challenges,” which met in Philadelphia in November. A highlight of...
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Message from PAS director Chris Abani

Welcome, or as the Ibibio of Nigeria say, Emedi, which is incindentally the language of our inaugural Ama Ata Aidoo Visiting Arts Fellow, Wana...
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