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Category: Culture Diaries

Quo vadis, America? US engagement with Africa in need of urgent reset

          by Musifiky Mwanasali Directives on US engagement with Africa After years of professing Africa’s irrelevance to its global agenda,...
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Augmented Curiosities virtual experience exhibit at the Herskovits

“Augmented Curiosities: Virtual Play in African Pasts and Futures” is the Fall quarter exhibit at the Herskovits Library. It uses augmented and virtual reality...
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Parallel Perspectives interview series highlights current

   By Kelly Coffey This fall, the Program of African Studies will release the video interview series “Parallel Perspectives.” With a focus on Africa...
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Culture Diaries Revisited: Lola Shoneyin

In 2017, Wana sat with Nigerian author Lola Shoneyin, whose works include works include the novel The Secret of Baba Segi’s Wives (2010) a...
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Culture Diaries revisited: Ade Bantu

In 2019, musician, producer and social activist Ade Bantu talks with Wana Udobang about the creation of his monthly concert series Festival Afropolitan Vibes...
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Culture Diaries: Ozoz Sokoh

A culinary artist and anthropologist, Ozoz Sokoh‘s recipes elevate food beyond consumption. Her dishes are created with an awareness of history, politics, sustainable agriculture,...
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Culture Diaries revisited: Wura Natasha Ogunji

Wura Natasha Ogunji works across a variety of mediums, but is best known for her public performance and video pieces. Her themes of interest...
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Culture Diaries revisited: Uche Okpa-Iroha

This episode of Culture Diaries features photographer Uche Okpa-Iroha. He is a founding member of the Blackbox Collective and Invisible Borders Trans-African Organisation and...
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Culture Diaries revisited: Tope Oshin

Wana meets with Tope Oshin, award winning director of film and television. Her body of work contains titles like Shuga, Up North, New Money,...
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Culture Diaries revisited: Ayobola Kekere-Ekun

Image: She and I. The Secret Keepers by Ayobola Kekere-Ekun, (Mixed Media: paper, fabric and acrylic on canvas) 2020 Wana Udobang interviews artist Abyobola...
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