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Swahili Corner: summer safety signage

Beach signs translated from English to Swahili by Prof. Peter Mwangi’s Swahili students. Stay safe on the beach this summer!

"Danger: Beach Closed" sign advising no swimming and no fires with a menacing red flag on it. The lake lingers behind it, inviting you in, sign be damned.

Hatari ufukwe umefungwa … hakuna kuogelea. Usiwashe moto kwenye ufukwe. Translated by Leila and Nina; Paul and Nasser.


A beach warning sign that says current coniditons are bad. The sign has a red flag on it. Lake Michigan's mermaid's call you with their siren song. Who will you obey?

Hali ya sasa Bendera Nyekundu Nyekundu: Hatari usiingie majini Manjano: Wazazi au waangalizi lazima wawachunge watoto majini Rangi ya kijani: Sehemu ya kuogelea imefunguliwa. Translated by Nina and Chelsea.


A sign attached to a guard railing reads "Danger, no diving, no jumping, Submerged rocks and hazards." Is this a sign directed at submerged rocks and hazards, or are submerged rocks and hazards the dangers humans are to avoid?

Hatari hakuna kupiga mbizi Hakuna kuruka Kuna miamba na hatari nyingine. Translated by Ben and Chelsea.


A warning sign reads: "For your own safety: No swimming/fishing." Behind it is a view of a snowy day on the lake. Don't worry sign. You couldn't pay me to eat the fish out of that toilet runnoff water, much less swim in it.

Kwa usalama wako binafsi, hakuna kuogelea wala kuvua samaki. Translated by Nina and Leila.


Emergency call post with a glowing blue light and lovely sunset behind it. You can hardly believe there would ever be an emergency in such a seemingly tranquil place. But what lies beyond the borders of the picture?

Dharura. Translation by Leila & Nina.


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