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PAS bookshelf: The Postcolonial Animal: African Literature and Posthuman Ethics

The Post Colonial Animal bookcover

The Post Colonial Animal: African Literature and Posthuman Ethics by Evan Maina Mwangi

The Postcolonial Animal: African Literature and Posthuman Ethics, University of Michigan Press, 2019

Evan Maina Mwangi (English) analyzes the importance of African writing to animal studies by exploring how African writers and storytellers have campaigned for humane treatment of nonhuman others. Mwangi illuminates how African authors tackle the alternatives to eating meat and how they present postcolonial animal-consuming cultures as shifting toward cultural and political practices that eschew the use of animals and mitigate animal suffering. This study examines texts that imagine a world where animals do not suffer abuse or become a source of food, clothing, or labor. It provides a blueprint for interrelations with others—humans and nonhumans—to create an equitable world free of oppression that recognizes the rights of all its inhabitants.

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