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 “Africa Now.” Departures. 2013: October. |
 Burke, Antje. Eleven Steps to rehabilitation in the Succulent Karoo and Namib Desert. Oranjemund / Windhoek, Namibia: EnviroScience / Namibia Nature Foundation, 2007. |
 Henschel, Joh R. Welwitschia’s World. Windhoek, Namibia: Wordweaver Publishing House, 2012. |
 Jensen, Søren Mark and Jørgen Balslev Hansen. The Ecology of the Namib Desert. Windhoek, Namibia: Longman Namibia Ltd., 1996. |
 Müller, Mark. Namibia: Afrikas lebendige Wüste. Köln, Germany: Vista Point Verlag, 1994. |
 Pons, Alain and Christine Baillet. Namibie: Plus beaux safaris photos du monde. Paris: En’Print, 1999. |
 Seely, Mary. The Namib: Natural History of an Ancient Desert. Windhoek, Namibia: The Desert Research Foundation of Namibia, 2004. |
 Seely, Mary and John Pallett. Namib: Secrets of a Desert Uncovered. Windhoek, Namibia: Venture Publications, 2008. |
 Van den Berg, Heinrich, et al. Southern Africa’s Beautiful Deserts: The Big Picture. Cascades, South Africa: HPH Publishing, 2005. |
See also: Namib Desert Introduction – Spotlight – Video