Title: Physical Activity Measurement in Toddlers
Agency: National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute (NHLBI)
The goal of the research project, Child and Mother Physical Activity Study (CAMPAS), is to develop an accelerometer-based machine learning algorithm for toddler activity recognition and longitudinally examine the development of physical activity and its associated parental and child characteristics during early childhood. Dr. Kwon is the Principal Investigator for this project.
Title: Father-mother differences in parenting practices and perceptions of their child’s development and behavioral difficulties
Agency: Lurie Children’s Hospital Family and Child Health Innovations Program (FCIP), Different Approaches to Data (DAD) Pilot Grant Award
The goal of this study is to explore differences between fathers’ and mothers’ parenting practices and perceptions of their child’s development and behavioral difficulties, utilizing data collected from fathers of Child and Mother Physical Activity Study (CAMPAS) participants. Dr. Kwon is the Principal Investigator for this project.
Title: Health in Early Childhood Among Asian Americans Research
Agency: Lurie Children’s Hospital Schreiber Family Center for Early Childhood Health and Wellness Grow to Five Thive Award
The goal of this study is to investigate how parenting practices, parental experiences, and ethnic factors shape the psychological and physical development of early childhood in Asian American children. Dr. Kwon is the Principal Investigator for this project.
Title: The Independent and Interactive Effects of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors During
Childhood on Health Outcomes in Early Adulthood
Agency: National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD)
The goal of this research project is to conduct secondary analysis of three international cohort study data to examine the independent and interdependent effects of physical activity and sedentary behaviors during adolescence on adiposity, cardiovascular risk factors, and bone health in adulthood. Dr. Kwon is the Principal Investigator for this project.
Title: A Multilevel Physical Activity Intervention for South Asian Women and Girls
Agency: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
The goal of this research project is to conduct a randomized controlled trial of a community-engaged physical activity program among South Asian women and girls. Dr. Kwon serves as a lead statistician.
Title: Transforming Exercise Testing and Physical Activity Assessment in Children: New Approaches to
Advance Clinical Translational Research in Child Health
Agency: National Institute of Health (NIH)
The goal of this project is to develop a new laboratory exercise testing paradigm that can mimic regular physical activity patterns. Dr. Kwon serves as a co-Investigator for the Lurie children’s Hospital site.
Title: The Development of Physical Activity Behavior During Childhood and Adulthood
Agency: National Institutes of Child Health and Development (NICHD)
The goal of this secondary analysis project was to examine the developmental trajectories of physical activity during childhood and adolescence and identify their determinants. Dr. Kwon was the Principal Investigator for this project.