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If I agree to have my child take part in this study, what would my child need to do?
- We will ask your child to participate in 5 study visits over the course of approximately 2 years. These visits will begin when your child is around 12 months old and occur every 6 months until they are around 36 months old.
- Each of the 5 study visits will last approximately 30-45 minutes at either community locations (such as child play spaces, park districts, or cafes) or remotely. Current community locations include: Purple Monkey Playroom in Chicago (Bucktown neighborhood), Skokie Exploratorium in Skokie, IL, and Little Beans in Evanston, IL.
- We may ask your child to wear an accelerometer for approximately 20-30 minutes while participating in a class, playing in the indoor child play space, or playing in the outdoor playground. A study team member will video record your child during these activities so we can capture the type of movement they are engaging in and compare it to the accelerometer data.
- We will ask your child to wear an accelerometer for one week after each study visit. Your child will wear the accelerometer on a belt on their waist for the entire week, only taking it off to bathe or if it would otherwise get wet (for example if they go swimming).
Are there any costs related to this study?
There are no study related costs to you. The study sponsor will pay all study related costs. If you need transportation to or from study visits we will cover the cost of an Uber/Lyft. You will be offered participation in a class at the play space location that will be free to you.
What is the payment for taking part in this study?
You and your child, as a pair, will be paid a total of $300 for taking part in this study. This will be given as a gift card processed after every study visit and will be distributed in the following way: $40 for study visit 1, $50 for study visit 2, $60 for study visit 3, $70 for study visit 4, and $80 for study visit 5. If you and your child are selected to participate in the validation activities you will be paid an additional $10 for study visits 1-4 (new totals: $340 distributed as $50 for study visit 1, $60 for study visit 2, $70 for study visit 3, $80 for study visit 4, $80 for study visit 5). You and your child will only be paid this amount for completed study visits that include all study activities for that visit. However, we understand that your child may refuse to wear an accelerometer for one week. If you complete a study visit but your child is unable to complete an accelerometer wear, you and your child will be paid $20. If you need transportation to or from study visits we will cover the cost of an Uber/Lyft. You will be offered participation in a class at the playspace location that will be free to you.
How old should my child be to enroll in this study?
Your child should be 15 months or younger at the time of enrollment to participate in CAMPAS. Although your first visit will take place when your child is between 10-16 months, you can start the enrollment process before then.
Where will my study visits take place?
Study visits will last approximately 30-45 minutes at either community locations (such as child play spaces, park districts, or cafes) or remotely. Our current community locations include: Purple Monkey Playroom in Chicago (Bucktown neighborhood), Skokie Exploratorium in Skokie, IL, or Little Beans in Evanston, IL. You can visit our Partnerships page to learn more about CAMPAS study locations.
What is an accelerometer? Does it collect GPS data?
An accelerometer (shown above) is a device that records movement and acceleration in 3 dimensions. It does not collect GPS data or send signals via the internet.
What are the risks, side effects, or discomforts related to the study?
There are no direct risks to your child from participation in this study. Taking part in this study, there is a chance your child may be uncomfortable wearing the accelerometers or participating in physical activity. Should this occur, you may stop and withdraw your child’s participation at any time. There is potential risk of loss of privacy should your child be recognized in the video files. The video files will be stored securely and not shown to anyone outside of the research team. The videos will be destroyed at the end of the study. To maintain confidentiality, a random ID number, instead of your child names or any identifiable information, will be used on all study forms. Keys to link the ID number and your child name or any identifiable information will be kept in the secure server of Lurie Children’s. Only authorized research personnel will have access to the keys linking the study ID and identification information and inspect records.
What other options does my child have?
Your child’s participation in the study activities are voluntary. You have the right to refuse to allow your child to participate in the study activities and to withdraw your child from this study at any time you choose.
Will my child’s information be used in future research studies?
The study team may share your child’s information for future research. They will remove identifiers such as your child’s name and other information that can be linked to your child before this is done. The study team and other researchers may use this for other studies without getting consent from you or your child.
What if the researcher or I do not think my child should stay in the study?
Your child can stop taking part in this study at any time. Your decision will not affect your child’s regular care.
Will my study results be returned?
The study team will not return study results to you and your child. You can ask the study team any questions you have about study results.
Who can answer my questions about this study?
If you or your child have any questions, reach out to us via the information provided on our Contact Us page.