
To stay updated on ACMS news and events, follow our social media pages (as listed on the right side of our homepage), sign up for our student listerv (by sending an email to acms@u.northwestern.edu) and/or join our slack (via this link).


Save the date! We will be taking the water taxi to Chinatown and getting hot pot on August 17th at 10:45 AM. 
Sign ups are now closed. To be the first to hear about future events, follow us on social media!

Interested in joining the ACMS board? Sign up today!

Are you interested in meeting other graduate and professional students from diverse backgrounds and identities? Are you interested in creating social, cultural, and outreach events? Then join the Alliance of Chicago Minority Students (ACMS) Board!

Fill out the Survey to join: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XZQQZK7

Questions about ACMS? Please email acms@u.northwestern.edu

Details about the ACMS E-Board positions can be found in the poster below!

Contact us at acms@u.northwestern.edu