Project Title: Abloom
Project Description: Building a image classification model for flowering plants in Arches National Park
Status: Open
Project Title: Text Analysis of Academic Journal Keywords
Project Description: Web-scraping abstracts of articles in academic journals to determine keywords for journal abstracts
Status: Closed
Contact: marc.bourgeois77@gmail.com
Project Title: Potential Bias in Illinois Policing
Project Description: Examining which factors affect if a driver in Illinois has their car searched for contraband.
Status: Closed (mostly) — see https://illinoistrafficstops.com/
Contact: matthewkirschner2014@u.northwestern.edu
Visualizations: see the Jupyter notebook for narrative
First glance: Black, Hispanic more likely to be searched on traffic stop than the average male, female; and about as likely to be searched as the average individual driving at the most suspicious time of night.
Project title: Plover
Project description: ID’ing birds by images from hobbyists with neural nets–first iteration focused on N America birds; second iteration on Taiwan
Status: open
Contact: darrenhsu2015@u.northwestern.edu
Project Title: SEM_microbe_counting
Project Description: Towards using ML models for automated counting (and potentially classification) of microbes in SEM images from Earth’s deep crust.
Status: Open
Contact: casar@u.northwestern.edu