Posts are articles sorted by publishing date, and make up the content of the blog component of a site. Posts can be found in tag or category archives that they’ve been assigned to, and also in the blogroll and monthly archives of a site.
You can view and manage all posts within a site by clicking on the “Posts” menu item within the site’s dashboard.
To add a new post, simply hover over the the “Post” menu item within the site’s dashboard until a submenu pops up, and then click on the “Add New” link within the sub-menu to direct you to the new post form. From there, follow the directions in “The Post / Page Edit Form” below.
Pages are typically used for static or informational content, and are not listed by date. Pages don’t use tags or categories like posts do.
You can view and manage all pages within a site by clicking on the “Pages” menu item within the site’s dashboard.
To add a new page, simply hover over the the “Pages” menu item within the site’s dashboard until a submenu pops up, and then click on the “Add New” link within the sub-menu to direct you to the new page form. From there, follow the directions in “The Post / Page Edit Form” below.
The Post / Page Edit Form
The various fields and sections of both the post and page edit / create forms are each documented below.
Because the edit forms for posts and pages are relatively similar, both will be covered by this section, and the areas where these two differ will be noted.
Basic Shared Fields
- Title: This defines the title of the content, and will typically be displayed in teasers and at the top of the individual view for the content. It will also be used to generate a URL for the content. Titles should not exceed 140 characters.
- Body: This field is not labeled in the form, but is easily distinguished as the only filed with a full-fledged text editor. This is used for authoring the body of the content, which can contain formatted text and embedded media. The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor provided is designed to make text formatting easier. For information on embedding photos, videos, social content or other embeddable content, please refer to the various pages on embedding content in the documentation.
- Featured Image: This field can be found in the right sidebar, and is used for setting the poster image for a piece of content. How this is used or displayed in the front-end depends entirely on the theme chosen for a site, but we always recommend setting a featured image for posts.
Save Content
- Save Draft Button: The save draft button can be found in the top section of the right sidebar, and enables you to save content in an unpublished draft state, so that you can resume editing at a later point.
- Preview Button: The preview button can be found in the top section of the right sidebar, and enables you to preview content in a new tab with the site theme applied.
- Publish Button: The publish draft button can be found in the top section of the right sidebar, and enables you to save and publish the content.
- Update Button: The update draft button can be found in the top section of the right sidebar, and enables you to save and update existing content.
Visibility / Privacy
Pages and posts can be set to 3 different visibility states, which define restrictions for viewing it. These work in addition to the site’s privacy settings. Visibility can be set in the top section of the right sidebar.
- Public: Public content can be viewed by anyone that can access the site.
- Private: Private content can only be viewed by the user that authored them, or users with an administrator role on the site.
- Password Protected: Password protected content can have a single password set, that any user – logged in or not – must enter in order to view the content.
Scheduled Publishing
NUsites enables post and page content to be scheduled to go live at a specific time. This can be useful when writing many posts at once and scheduling them to release daily, or when announcing time-sensitive information.
Scheduling options can be set in the top section of the right sidebar, by clicking the “Edit” link prepended by a calendar icon. From here, you can set a date and time at which you’d like the content to be published, and click the “OK” button beneath the scheduler to finalize it.
Enabling / Disabling Comments (Posts Only)
By default, a new post’s comments will be automatically enabled or disabled based on the site’s default comment setting. In order to manually override this setting on a per-post basis, please follow the directions below:
- Locate the section of the edit form titled “Discussion” (see below).
- Check or uncheck the box labeled “Allow comments” based on whether you would like commenting to be available on the post.
- Save the post.
Page Attributes (Pages Only)
Page attributes are used to control page layout types and content hierarchy. The options available can differ by theme, but will always contain certain fields. Page attributes can be set from the second section in the right sidebar.
- Parent: This enables you to set the parent page of the current page. This can be used in determining automatic menu structure, breadcrumb creation, and SEO.
- Template: Each theme defines various templates that can be used with a page. Typically the template name will describe its purpose. These templates determine how content will be laid out on the front-end.