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Meet our Graduating Seniors

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Pranav Bajaj

Pranav Bajaj

What are your plans post-graduation?
Attending Feinberg as a first-year medical student.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Having a brief discussion about Racine, Wisconsin and Kringle with Prof. Schulz during the behavioral final exam.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Taking the lead on running a few student-run businesses

Chris Bull

Chris Bull

What are your plans post-graduation?
I will be starting work in Chicago as an Analyst on the Data Science track at AArete Consulting.

Ziyue Chen

Ziyue Chen

What are your plans post-graduation?
Be a consultant while figuring out whether I want to do a PhD.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
381-2 and 327 are the best! Large workload but totally worth it!

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Finishing the thesis and seeing it being recognized by prestigious professors.

Jacob Denberg

Jacob Denberg

What are your plans post-graduation?
I’m moving to New York City to do ESG research at Sustainable Fitch.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
When Professor Witte gave half the class fireworks to teach us about the discrepancies between WTP and WTA.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Being part of the half the class that received the fireworks!

Shane Dolan

Shane Dolan

What are your plans post-graduation?
Moving to California, working at Tesla, and starting my own business.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
ECON 360-2 with Ueda.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?

Yasmeena Faycurry

Yasmeena Faycurry

What are your plans post-graduation?
Working in venture capital at Chicago Ventures.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Writing my honors thesis – it was one of my most challenging academic experiences, and I feel that I grew incredibly from it.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Competing in VentureCat.

Nina Fridman

Nina Fridman

What are your plans post-graduation?
I will be working as an analyst at an economic consulting firm in Chicago.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
I won the 2022 American Debate Association’s national championship tournament along with my debate partner for Northwestern’s policy debate team.

Alisa Fu

Alisa Fu

What are your plans post-graduation?

What is your favorite ECON memory?
International finance.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Got a B+ in international finance.

Yunfan Gong

Yunfan Gong

What are your plans post-graduation?
I will attend MIT Sloan School of Management and pursue coursework towards a Master of Finance.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Looking at the vivid graphics Professor Walker uses for International Finance.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Getting to know people and building relationships of a lifetime.

Daren Gopaulen

Daren Gopaulen

What are your plans post-graduation?
Trading @ GS.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Econ 316.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Econ 316.

Katherine Gu

Katherine Gu

What are your plans post-graduation?
Product Manager at Microsoft.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Finishing the 310 sequence!

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Being involved in a student org where we began a series of speaker events featuring leading economist Professor Shang-Jin Wei from Columbia Business School and a Director at Microsoft.

Sinian (Tony) Hao

Sinian (Tony) Hao

What are your plans post-graduation?
I will work as an Analyst at Analysis Group in Chicago.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Taking IO with Prof Porter, macro With Prof Eichenbaum, and development with Prof Beaman!

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Finishing my thesis and trying out first year PhD classes!

Andrew Hinchberger

Andrew Hinchberger

What are your plans post-graduation?
Predoctoral RAship at Wharton in Energy/Environment/Development Economics.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Running the Econ Bowl for the Northwestern Economics Tournament.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Completing my thesis defense with nothing but glowing reviews from the committee.

Noah Holubow

Noah Holubow

What are your plans post-graduation?
I will begin my career as an Associate at PwC’s Strategy& group in Chicago.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
My favorite ECON memory is all the stories and lectures from Professor Eric Schulz’s behavioral class.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
My proudest achievement is writing my senior honors thesis in Economics on airline mergers because it was the culmination of all of my academic pursuits (major, minors, etc.) and dealt with a topic that is a passion of mine.

Di (Cara) Hu

Di (Cara) Hu

What are your plans post-graduation?
Career: Full time job in growth equity industry. Self: learn French, practice piano, try to start a band when timing is right, volunteer in Africa/

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Took Econ of family and environmental economics.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Non-stoppable self-exploration.

John Ma

John Ma

What are your plans post-graduation?
PhD program in Economics at Columbia University.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
I learned and enjoyed doing research by working as research assistant and writing my senior thesis.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Graduating! (after surviving real analysis and first year PhD classes).

Nicole Manning

Nicole Manning

What are your plans post-graduation?
Associate Consultant at Bain & Company.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Completing my thesis!

Robert Norwood

Robert Norwood

What are your plans post-graduation?
Complex Securities Analyst @ Stout.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Monopoly Competition & Public Policy with Prof Hornsten.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
My Econ Senior Thesis!

Ethan Nourbash

Ethan Nourbash

What are your plans post-graduation?
Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Taking learning about RBC models with Marty Eichenbaum.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Co-authoring a research paper.

Nikolaos Papandreou

Nikolaos Papandreou

What are your plans post-graduation?
I’ll begin working as an Analyst in the Corporate Performance Improvement practice of Alvarez & Marsal.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Schulz’s Sixteen Tons.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Getting two Wildcat Excellence Awards.

Maria Eduarda Lemgruber Ramos

Maria Eduarda Lemgruber Ramos

What are your plans post-graduation?
I will be working at the Boston Consulting Group in Chicago as an Associate.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
There was an event my freshman year for students from introduction to microeconomics to go to Farmhouse Evanston and learn about restaurant economics.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Finishing my thesis!

Sam Rezaei

Sam Rezaei

What are your plans post-graduation?
I will be walking across the United States this summer. Afterwards I plan to pursue research followed by medical school applications in the summer of 2023.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
“-Having Professor Giorgio Primiceri, who hails from Italy, use Bread and Olive Oil for every single example containing goods in Intermediate Macroeconomics.
-Going to Farmhouse with Professor Hornsten and having the sous chef explain the economics behind running a restaurant.”

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Making many mistakes and enduring many failures–mostly by my own hand–but still maintaining a positive outlook on my future.

Jonathan Ruiz

Jonathan Ruiz

What are your plans post-graduation?
Working at Chicago Trading Company.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Studying labor economics with my friend.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Finishing my thesis.

Prasshanth Sagar

Prasshanth Sagar

What are your plans post-graduation?
Looking for a role at PETRONAS and exploring graduate school opportunities.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Prof Gordon’s wrap-up session on the world wars in cinema lingo (ECON 106) and Prof Walker’s lecture on China (ECON 362)! Can’t choose between the two!

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Completing a macroeconomics thesis on Southeast Asian (including Malaysian) development under Prof. Gordon’s tutelage!

Maya Shabtai

Maya Shabtai

What are your plans post-graduation?
I will be working as an Investment Banking Analyst at Morgan Stanley.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Working collaboratively on an impact audit with my group in Economics of Nonprofits taught by Professor Dean Karlan.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Pursuing (and completing!) an ambitious academic program that allowed me to explore a diversity of interests in Economics, Film & Media Studies, Environmental Policy & Culture, and Managerial Analytics.

Marina Siqueira

Marina Siqueira

What are your plans post-graduation?
IB Healthcare Bank of America NYC!! really excited :)))

Eric Wang

Eric Wang

What are your plans post-graduation?
I’ll be working at a consulting firm in downtown Chicago.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Taking Professor Udry’s Development in Africa course, and finishing my thesis!

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Performing stand-up for the first time.

Jacob Wright

Jacob Wright

What are your plans post-graduation?
I’ll be moving to Manhattan to work as an analyst with Morgan Stanley’s wealth management division.

What is your proudest achievement at NU?
Completing and successfully defending my thesis to graduate with honors from the philosophy department.

Emily Yan

Emily Yan

What are your plans post-graduation?
Graduate School at Yale.

What is your favorite ECON memory?
Study parties.