Welcome to MOVING DATA, a research lab founded and managed by Dr. Ying Chen at Northwestern University. MOVING DATA projects focus on AI/Machine Learning, Data Mining, Data Visualization, and Modeling for a better understanding of how our cities function and how citizens react to new features provided by new techniques.
- Data Science in Transportation
- Smart Cities
- Big Social Media Data Mining for Traveler Behavior Analysis
- Travel Demand & Behavior Modeling
- Large-scale Transportation Network Modeling
- Agent-based Modeling and Visualization
- Traffic Image Analysis
Dr.Chen received her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and M.S. in Computer Science from the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University in 2015 and 2011.
Dr. Chen is an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and was a research assistant professor at Northwestern University between 2015 and 2019. She specializes in solving problems by using AI, machine learning, and data mining techniques, with emphasis on data science in transportation, healthcare and topics related to smart cities, complex networks analysis, modeling, and solution approaches for logistics and complex systems, connected/autonomous vehicles, social networking influence, and big social media data mining for travelers’ behavior study.
EMAIL: y-chen@northwestern.edu
PHONE: 847.467.2948
OFFICE: 600 Foster St. Room 214, Evanston, IL 60208
If you are fascinated by data like me,
If you want to know the hidden stories of your data,
If you intend to analyze historical facts to make predictions,
If you are looking for a project for your research paper, or you just want to get your hands dirty by playing with the data, please contact me!!!