It’s In Our Genes: Baseball and the Traveling Salesman Problem

Eric Lundquist

As winter fades to spring here at Northwestern I look forward to warmer weather, longer days, and the return of baseball. I’m certainly interested in the mechanics of the game itself: earned runs, home runs, box scores and the pennant race. However, there’s a deeper and harder to describe feeling found in walking out the tunnel to see the field for the first time each spring, or in catching a game with an old friend on a summer afternoon. A certain fictional character may have said it best; while baseball may no longer be our most popular sport, it remains unquestionably the national pastime.

So, what better way to explore America and tap into our collective unconscious this summer than to make a pilgrimage to our nation’s green cathedrals: all 30 MLB stadiums. I keep this goal in mind whenever life takes me to a new city, and try to the catch the games when I can. However, the size of the league and the geography of the country it spans make this a difficult proposition indeed. For someone seeking to complete the journey in a single epic cross-country road trip, planning an efficient route is of paramount importance.

The task at hand can be conceptualized as an instance of the Traveling Salesman Problem. Easy to understand but hard (NP-Hard to be exact) to solve, the TSP is one of the most studied problems in optimization and theoretical computer science. It’s often used as a benchmark to test new algorithms and optimization techniques developed over time. The problem has spawned thousands of academic books, articles, and conference presentations, a great XKCD, and a terrible dramatic film. With even a modest list of cities to visit, the number of possible route permutations, or tours, becomes enormous. Brute force approaches are computationally inviable and no efficient polynomial-time exact solutions have yet been discovered.

In an attempt to tackle difficult problems like the TSP, researchers over the years have developed a wide variety of heuristic approaches. While not guaranteed to reach a global optimum, these techniques will return a near-optimal result with a limited amount of available time and resources. One of these heuristics, genetic algorithms, models problems as a biological evolutionary process. The algorithm iteratively generates new candidate solutions using the principals of natural selection, crossover/recombination, and genetic mutation first identified by Charles Darwin back in 1859.

Genetic algorithms have been successfully applied to a wide variety of contexts including engineering design, scheduling/routing, encryption, and, (fittingly) gene expression profiling. As a powerful problem-solving technique and a fascinating blend of real life and artificial intelligence, I wanted to see whether I could successfully implement a genetic algorithm to solve my own personal TSP: an efficient road trip to all of the MLB stadiums.

Natural selection requires a measure of quality or fitness[i] with which to evaluate candidate solutions, so the first step was figuring out how to calculate the total distance traveled for any given tour/route. Having the GPS coordinates of each stadium isn’t sufficient; roads between stadiums rarely travel in straight lines and the actual driving distance is more relevant for our journey. To that end, I used the Google Maps API to automatically calculate all 435 pairwise driving distances to within one meter of accuracy. This made it possible to sum up the total distance traveled, or assess the fitness, of any possible tour returned by the algorithm.

The process begins by creating an initial population[ii] of random trips. Parents[iii] for the next generation are then stochastically sampled (weighted by fitness) from the current population. To create new children[iv] from the selected parent tours I experimented with a number of genetic crossover strategies, but ultimately chose the edge recombination operator. To prevent the algorithm from getting trapped in a local minimum I introduced new genetic diversity by randomly mutating[v] a small proportion of the children in each generation. Finally, breaking faith with biology, I allowed the best solution from the current generation to pass unaltered into the next one, thus ensuring that solution quality could only improve over time. In other words: heroes get remembered, but legends never die.


After a bit of tinkering, the algorithm started to converge to near-optimal solutions with alarming speed. After roughly 100 generations the best solution was within 4% of the best global route found over the course of multiple longer runs with several different combinations of tuning parameters[vi]. To reach the best-known solution typically took around 1,000 iterations and just under 2 minutes of run-time. For the sake of context, enumerating and testing all 4.42e30 possible permutations would take roughly 1.19e19 years using my current laptop[vii], which is much longer than the current age of the universe (1.38e10).

Looking at the algorithm’s results in each generation, there’s a quick initial drop in both the average and minimum path distance. After that, interesting spikes in average population distance emerge as the algorithm progresses over time. Perhaps certain deleterious random mutations ripple through the population very quickly and it takes a long time for those effects to be fully reversed. Overall performance seems to be a trade-off between fitness and diversity: sample freely (high diversity) and the algorithm may not progress to better solutions; sample narrowly (low diversity) and the algorithm may converge to a suboptimal solution and never traverse large regions of the solution space.


It’s perhaps more intuitive to visualize the algorithm’s progress by looking at the actual route maps identified in a few sample generations. The first map is a disaster: starting in Dallas it heads west to Los Angeles and then crosses the country to visit Atlanta without bothering to stop in Seattle, Denver, Kansas City, or St. Louis along the way. After 10 generations there are definite signs of progress: all west coast cities are visited before traveling to the northeast and then south in a rough regional order. After 100 iterations the route starts to look quite logical, with only a few short missteps (e.g. backtracking after Cincinnati and Boston). By iteration 1000 the algorithm is finding better routes than I could plan myself. As is the case with all search heuristics, I can’t prove that the algorithm’s best result is the global optimum. But looking at the final map it certainly passes the eye test for me.



According to experts, genetic algorithms tend to perform best in problem domains with complex solution landscapes (lots of local optima) where few context-specific shortcuts can be incorporated into the search. That seems to describe the actual biological processes of natural selection and evolution quite aptly as well. I’m sure I’ll be thinking about the intersection between life and artificial intelligence far into my own future. But for now, I’m just glad the algorithm found me a good route to all the stadiums so I can go watch some baseball!

I’ve posted all code, data, and images associated with this project to my GitHub account for those whose interest runs a bit deeper. Feel free to use and/or modify my algorithms to tackle your own optimization problems, or plan your own road trips, wherever they may lead.


[i] I defined the fitness function as the difference between the total distance of a tour and the maximum total distance with respect to all tours in the current population. Higher fitness values are better, and the same tour may receive different fitness scores in different generations depending on the rest of the population in each generation

[ii] An initial population of 100 random tours was generated to start the algorithm. Through replacement sampling and child generation the size of the population was held constant at 100 individuals in each generation throughout the algorithm’s run

[iii] Parents were sampled with replacement using a stochastic acceptance algorithm where individuals were randomly selected, but only accepted with probability = fitness/max(fitness) until the appropriate population size was reached

[iv] The edge recombination operator works by creating an edge list of connected nodes from both parents, and then iteratively selecting the nodes with the fewest connected edges themselves. I suggest heading over to Wikipedia to look at some pseudo-code if you’re interested in learning more

[v] I applied the displacement mutation operator to 5 percent of children in each generation, which means extracting a random-length sub-tour from a given child solution and inserting it back into a new random position within the tour.

[vi] I tested all combinations of two different crossover and two different mutation operators with varying population sizes and mutation rates to tune the algorithm

[vii] The symmetric TSP has (n-1)!/2 possible permutations. I ran a profiling test of how long my laptop took to enumerate and test 100,000 random tours, and then extrapolated out from there to get the estimate presented in the main text

Why Context Matters: Lessons from the Chicago Marathon

Valentinos Constantinou

Chicago Marathon

The term “big data” has been a staple of corporate executives and analytics strategists in recent years, and with good reason. The use of big data has resulted in numerous innovative uses of analytics, including Google’s use of big data to predict flu outbreaks days in advance of the CDC using search queries. Yet the presence of large amounts of data alone is not always a sure path toward valuable insights and positive impact due to the inherent messiness of big data. Forms of data collection not associated with big data can still be highly relevant, even in the interconnected and data-driven world we live in today.

Observational data can still have a significant impact towards guiding strategy or assisting in research, even in the presence of ever greater emphasis on big data. During the Chicago Marathon, a participating runner’s health information is recorded whenever he or she has an injury, whether it be as minor as a blister or as major as a heart attack. This field data is important to race organizers and operations researchers that are seeking to enhance the safety of the event through course optimization, and to health professionals who use the marathon as a proxy towards understanding rapid-response health care in disaster relief scenarios. However, this data is recorded by hand, increasing the likelihood of human error and the possibility of making incorrect inferences.

In contrast, in big data schemes, the information is usually collected in a regular manner, with consistent formatting from one time period to the next. A user’s clicks will always be collected in the same way, as will trading transactions on Wall Street, as these actions are recorded automatically by computers. This is rarely the case with field data. In the case of the Chicago Marathon, the variables of data collected differ from year to year, but may be trying to capture the same information. What’s more, variables that align from year to year may have different formats of data, often with similar but still distinct classes of categories. This presents a unique challenge to researchers that are seeking to compare the data across time or within a specific variable. The method of overcoming this challenge is to understand the context of how and why the data is collected in a particular way, not only when conducting analysis but also prior to data cleansing and aggregation.

As an example, two of the variables collected during a patient visit at the Chicago Marathon are check in time and check out time. These variables are used to indicate the time an injured runner entered an aid station for care and when the same runner was released from the aid station after treatment. As researchers, we may be interested in knowing the total visit time of each runner visiting an aid station, and hypothesize that the severity of an injury is positively correlated with the visit time. A runner can be treated more quickly if his or her injury is simply a blister, as opposed to knee pain or a laceration resulting from a fall.

However, pursuing this hypothesis naively would result in misinformation and false analyses. We know from speaking with medical professionals on site that once injuries reach a certain level of severity, these runners are transferred almost immediately to a local area hospital. In addition, the check out time of severe injuries is often incorrectly recorded as a result of the medical professional’s focus on the patient, sometimes resulting in a high value for visit time.

Another issue to consider is when a bottleneck exists at the medical tent. If multiple injured runners are waiting for treatment, the visit time can be non-representative of their true treatment time. Without this contextual information, we may have asserted that severely injured runners would spend the most amount of time at an aid station or that the visit time is directly correlated with treatment time. Yet, we know from information provided by medical volunteers at the Marathon that the more severe cases of injury usually result in a visit time that is on or below average since these injuries usually result in transference to a local area hospital. In this case, context has provided us with the knowledge needed to quickly identify outliers in the data, understand how the data is collected, and take the appropriate action when conducting analyses.

Another example from the Chicago Marathon concerns the patient’s chief complaint when entering an aid station for treatment. Some prominent chief complaints include knee pain, blisters, and muscle cramps, among others, as shown in the graph below.

Word cloud of complaints
This word cloud shows combinations of chief complaints by frequency from injured runners of the Chicago Marathon. The size of the chief complaint corresponds to the frequency, and color is added for ease of interpretation.

From 2012 through 2014, this data is collected in an organized fashion and in the form of categorical responses. However, the 2011 data is free-form text and varies dramatically. While the 2011 data contains text that would fall into one or more of the categorical responses in the data from 2012 through 2014, there is no direct match between the two data fields. Here, context provided by a medical professional is incredibly important. By speaking with health professionals who were on site and with health professionals familiar with chief complaints resulting from running activity, the 2011 data was properly transformed into categories consistent with the remainder of the data and that have a sound basis medically.

In the case of the Chicago Marathon, context is key toward understanding the data and applying appropriate methodologies towards data cleansing and aggregation, and also towards analysis. The lessons from the Chicago Marathon explained above illustrate that without proper context of how the data is collected, researchers may make incorrect assumptions or present misguided insights. Context is important in data analysis and data cleaning for any data source, but is especially crucial when understanding and working with field data.