It is highly unlikely that I would accept a new graduate student to start Fall 2024. But if you send me full background information, I could check to see if it’s compatible with a recently submitted grant proposal.

We have several graduate programs within our Psychology Department, with great colleagues in all of them. I primarily work within the Brain, Behavior, and Cognition program, although we are open to collaborating across the Department, and University. (I’m also a member of the Cognitive group, but I’m trying to streamline my lab into a mostly BBC group).

Other (great!) BBC faculty include: Marcia Grabowecky, Ken Paller, Paul Reber,  & Satoru Suzuki, (and Katie Intel will be joining us next year).

If you’re particularly interested in insight and creative cognition, consider the lab of John Kounios at Drexel (where you’d also get some excellent EEG training), or Darya Zabelina at U Arkansas.