Using CFS to Land an Internship in Healthcare

Name: Lauren

Year: Senior

Majors: Psychology

Minors: Leadership Certificate

CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture

Employer: NovaCare Physical Therapy

My internship at NovaCare Physical Therapy has been a great experience, and I have the Chicago Field Studies Program to thank for setting me up with this opportunity. It is often hard to find an internship or a short-term job in the healthcare field as an undergraduate student, so searching for an internship was difficult at first. Thankfully the CFS advisors provided resources and a list of past employers that were affiliated with CFS to help me find a few opportunities. From there, I was able to communicate with employers to find a company that was a perfect fit for my goals and interests. I found an opportunity that allowed me to experience one on one contact with patients and learn about the logistics of an outpatient clinic.

The internship itself was a great way to gain experience in a professional setting, and the class aided in learning more about the benefits of an internship and how I could get the most out of the experience. The readings and coursework went hand in hand with what I did on a daily basis, and I was able to interview my boss and coworkers to further learn about the company and roles within. I would recommend the Chicago Field Studies Program to every student at Northwestern as it is a very well put together and professional way to pursue my academic career while gaining knowledge of a real-world career. This experience has prepared me already for the future career that I hope to have one day.