Virunga Rainforest

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Rainforests contain more biodiversity than any other ecosystem on Earth. There are three main areas of rainforests in the world, the Amazon in South America, the rainforests of southeast Asia, and the Congo Basin in Africa. The Congo Rainforest stretches across a wide portion of central Africa, from the Atlantic coast at the mouth of the Congo River, west to the mountains of the Great Rift Valley. As with all rainforests, the Congo Rainforest faces challenges regarding deforestation, causing destruction of habitats and the eventual extinction of species.

One of the most threatened species in the Congo Rainforest is the mountain gorilla. By current estimates, there are only around 880 left. Their only habitat is in the Virunga mountains, which are mostly protected by three national parks – Virunga, Volcanoes, and Mgahinga. However, despite this, they still face great threats from poachers and companies who are fighting to drill for oil in their habitat.

Virunga Rainforest - Click to Enlarge

Virunga Rainforest – click to enlarge

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